The Chronicles of Arborell is an epic series built on the premise that grand adventure can have many parts and just as many players. In the course of great events there will always be more than one character, or set of circumstances that define the history of those events, and the Chronicles outlines in detail the different paths that are followed by many characters as the history of Arborell unfolds. This is not your usual fantasy adventure and it is certainly no fairy-tale.
The Chronicles is unlike most book series; it does not follow the usual mode of a sequential list of titles but instead is comprised of a number of different story branches that intertwine through a thousand years of history, all culminating at a nexus in the adventure of the Jotun Wars. What can be found here is an addition to the "Finding your way" flowchart diagram given elsewhere, a series of title descriptions that explain each of the different gamebooks, novels, novellas, source documents, and table-top games, and how they connect together in the flow of the history of this world. It is a journey that begins in mythology and ends in the reconciliation of mortal enemies and the death of a god. It is an epic that is not for the faint-hearted.
As mentioned elsewhere the Chronicles of Arborell are founded on three core gamebooks, Windhammer, Earth and Stone and The Jotun War. All the titles to be found in this series are connected in some significant way to these books and the information found here will clarify these relationships. It will suffice to say at this time that each core gamebook has four smaller gamebook adventures associated with its storyline and four companion novellas. Other prequel and reference books are also described within this series synopsis.
Each title described below has been presented as a short preview with other relevant information regarding type, where the story is situated on the Arborellium timeline and current availability.

Prequel Titles
The Prequel Titles section of the Chronicles comprises titles that are set prior to the first core gamebook adventure, Windhammer. These books and documents are both mythological and historical in nature and provide the lead up to the main storyline.
The Sorrows of Gedhru and Aume
Here resides the oldest story of Arborell, told by the Silvan Tree herself and translated from inscriptions found upon the walls of Traebor by the Maturi Hedj. Within this ancient tale can be found the beginnings of the world of Arborell and the origins of EarthMagic, all woven upon a dark tapestry of malice and betrayal.
Document type: Mythological tale
Timeline date: N/A
Availability: PDF Download.
The Book of Scars
Within the Book of Scars can be found an account of the Jotun Underworld, of the perils and rewards that await any warrior who meets his End of Days. It is the first hand record of the True Witness, the only Oera'dim ever to stand before the halls of his ancestors and return to tell the tale. In his words can be found the dangers of Hallen'draal and the malevolence of the Dreya; of the pain-shadows that lurk in darkness and the oblivion that can only be found in Dissolution.
Document type: Mythological tale
Timeline date: N/A
Availability: Online, HTML edition and PDF edition.
Song of the Dromannion
This is the story of the Last Fleet of Men and their flight from a relentless Enemy that has destroyed their homes and their nations. Here can be found the journal of Emmers Nahr as it records the genesis of Men in the New World of Arborell, and the great voyage they must endure to find a new home and new lives in a distant land.
Document type: Novel
Timeline date: YS 0
Availability: Online, HTML edition and PDF edition.
Men have settled upon the shores of Dromannion but the great lands of Arborell lay unexplored to the west. For Dellig Tull, a Dwarvendim of the Free State, it is an exciting time of exploration and discovery, but also one of mystery. From his home at Menion'Hir he receives a message, an old friend has disappeared and he must make for the mainland to recover him. This is the story of the disappearance of the last of the Gaels, the discovery of EarthMagic, and of the first contact made between Men of the Free State and the creatures of the Oera'dim.
Document type: Gamebook
Timeline date: YS 13
Availability: Currently under development.
The Halls of Elanna
For two hundred years Men and Oera'dim have fought for dominion over the lands of Arborell. In the west of the world the Dwarvendim have taken possession of the mountains of the Krodestaag and established upon their high plateaux the first city states of the Stone Kingdoms. For the Dwarvendim however, a great challenge is still to be met, their mastery of stone the key to powers that only a few will ever harness. In the dark of night Allabrim Vesh will be given a mission, one that will take him to the Halls of Elanna and a mysterious book known as the Mallethrax.
Document type: Gamebook
Timeline date: YS 248
Availability: To be completed.
Well of Shadows
On the western borders of Kalborea the temple-dome of Allas'nerig hides a great secret, one the Deep Guild has been searching for many years to uncover. Within its dark recesses can be found the legendary Well of Shadows and the answer to one of the greatest of Arborell's mysteries. You are one of the Brethren and it is your mission to find the Well, but the true cost of the knowledge it can give may be more than any man is willing to pay.
The Well of Shadows is a companion gamebook to the Torchlight Adventure Series and is a prequel to the popular Quest for the Orncryst gamebook. This interactive PDF adventure tells the story of how the Deep Guild of Das Vallendor found the location of the Orncryst of the Trell'sara and of the mission that uncovered its whereabouts.
Document type: Gamebook
Timeline date: YS 445
Availability: Currently available in PDF format, as a HTML download and as an online gamebook.
Quest for the Orncryst
Deep within the ancient ruins of Traebor lies the Orncryst, a Talisman of the Ancients and the key to the powers of EarthMagic. You are a Brother of the Deep Guild, a Dungeon Crawler by trade, and this great artifact has been your life's goal. Somewhere within the depths of the vast temple the Orncryst resides, hidden and forgotten, but it is yours to recover, you need only go find it.
Document type: Gamebook
Timeline date: YS 446
Availability: Text version is online. PDF format Player Manual and Card Set.
Blood and Iron
In the shadows of a warm evening Ansolon'Denmar marshals his warriors for an assault on the port-town of Callenfrey, his mission to send a message to the Nations of Men that the Oera'dim still have power. For Mallen and Tomas Cael it is the beginning of a great quest, one that takes them from settled and familiar lands into the heart of the Lands of Perdition. Blood and Iron is an exploration of the wonders of Arborell, carefully hidden from most but open to all who understand the power of EarthMagic.
Document type: Novel
Timeline date: YS 517
Availability: Online, as a HTML download file, and in a PDF format.
The Dwarvendim now have a home of their own, their nation secure in the cold mountains of the Stone Kingdoms. For Tannendil Vesh adventure is a way of life and he has heard rumours of a great fortress in the north, one that may hold the key to the most powerful weapon the world has ever known. At the command of his King he is sent into the frontier-lands only to find that he is not the only one searching, and not all of those who oppose him are creatures of flesh and blood.
Document type: Gamebook
Timeline date: YS 524
Availability: To be completed.

Core Gamebooks and Associated Titles
The Core Gamebooks, and their associated companion novellas and gamebook series, make up the body of the Chronicles of Arborell. Each Core Gamebook has four associated gamebooks and four companion novellas. All are described below.
Windhammer Core Gamebook
The life of a Dwarvendim on the frontier is never an easy one, and for Halokim Vesh it is about to get a lot more complicated. Held as a prisoner in the dungeons of Maenum he is about to face execution, but as war looms upon the edges of the human realms he is made a proposition that he cannot refuse. Released into the harsh wilds of Northern Kalborea he has a mission, and he will either complete it, or die in the attempt.
This is the world of Arborell in all its lethal ferocity, the Powers that keep balance in the world playing a deadly game that will see Halokim travelling the vast wilds of the north, and the deep labyrinths of Stoneholme in his quest to restore the Tellandra. If he can find it he shall save his people and all the Nations of Men from disaster. It is a time that needs a hero and in the world that is about to unfold you are that man, your ultimate destiny yours to make.
The Windhammer Core Gamebook is supplemented by a further twelve titles, comprising four companion novellas, a language primer, four interactive gamebook adventures, and three card-based gamebook adventures that are a part of the Torchlight adventure series. Information regarding each of these can be found below.
Windhammer Companion Series
A Spoil of War
It is a time of great danger for the Four Nations of Arborell. The Horde streams in through Maenum Pass and spreads over the plains of Northern Kalborea like a ravening plague. For the garrison at the small settlement of Kal Murda no warning is given and in their isolation have no chance of retreat. In the blazing light of morning the Horde Army descends upon them and in two days of violent combat the tide of the Sixth Horde War is turned. This is the story of two brothers, the only survivors of the greatest battle in the history of Kalborea, and the aftermath of the destruction of Kal Murda.
Document type: Novella
Timeline date: YS 736
Availability: To be completed.
The Inquisitor's Lament
To be a Seeker of Truth can be a lonely and sometimes dangerous profession. For the Tak Malleus Lovar the responsibilities and traditions of the Guild are his life. That is until he finds reason to question their purpose. Upon the frontiers of the known world he uncovers a question that leads to a mystery and a deadly secret. One that propels him southward on a quest to find a man, once thought dead, but now his only hope. Only then can the Tak Lovar stop the folly of the Guild from destroying them all.
Document type: Novella
Timeline date: YS 947
Availability: Online and as a PDF Download
Honour Amongst Thieves
Staked out upon the wind-swept plains of Northern Kalborea Jonath Mac was sure he was about to die a long and lonely death. Betrayed and assaulted the old man lay defenceless, his parched throat no balm for the aching vengeance that smoldered within him like a fever. Then from nowhere arose a young Dwarvendim who set him free and let him go upon his way. Now it is time for revenge. With little more than a hunch and a few coins in his pocket he makes it his mission to track down the most ruthless bandit in Kalborea and extract a little justice of his own. Little does he realise that in doing so he will be a witness to the fall of Hel'garad and come into possession of one of the greatest treasures in the world, a stonewood sword named emurion.
Document type: Novella
Timeline date: YS 947
Availability: Now available as a download in PDF format.
The Shoulders of Emur
For Malleus Lovar a new life of service to the Silvan Tree has only just begun. As Halokim carries the emurion into the wilds of the north, Malleus and Camren Patrice must act as decoys, drawing the Shadowch southwards and away from the Dwarvendim. Such is their new mission, and in its prosecution they shall be pursued by the malevolence of the Army of Shadows and in their defence have only the promise of the Caer'dahl to protect them. Whether they survive or not will depend upon the cunning of one and the knowledge of the other. Only by relying upon each other will they live to tell the tale.
Document type: Novella
Timeline date: YS 947
Availability: To be completed.
Wildlands Gamebook Series
A Knife's Edge
The Temple of the Suns in Das Frontiere has been closed, its students exiled to the streets of the teeming citadel. For Halokim Vesh it is the start of life as an outlaw but first he must survive the wrath of the LoreMages' Guild and the relentless pursuit of Assassins hired to kill him. Into the dark places of Frontiere Halokim must venture, his goal to find friends who will help him gain passage out of the city. What he discovers is an organised and powerful criminal underworld and men more than willing to give aid as long as Halokim is willing to pay the price.
Document type: Gamebook
Timeline date: YS 943
Availability: To be completed.
Halokim has found his vocation as a smuggler, transporting contraband between the Lake Districts of Kalborea and the high mountains of the Faeyen Provinces. In his satchel is a King's ransom in stolen Blue Azuril and his gang are not the only bandits on the frontier who know he has it. Ambushed in Kal Kemna Halokim must recover the Azuril and make good its delivery to Caravanserai but he is only one man against many and the clock is ticking.
Document type: Gamebook
Timeline date: YS 944
Availability: To be completed.
The Faels
Anders Dahl has been taken prisoner by a rival bandit gang, a ransom demanded from the Black Hands. For Halokim there is no consideration that money can be paid for his friend's release and he determines instead to rescue his comrade himself. To the Faels of the northern frontier he will travel to locate Dahl and the mysterious gang that has taken him, but in doing so he will stumble upon the true purpose of the Black Hands and their activities against the Kalborean Union.
Document type: Gamebook
Timeline date: YS 946
Availability: To be completed
The Hallad Stone
Halokim Vesh has spent his life running from the repression of the Kalborean Union but now it is time for payback. Information purchased from a reliable broker tells him that an artefact of great value is being transported from the vaults of Hel'garad to the Jewellers of Bardaros for restoration. Together with Anders Dahl, Halokim plans for its theft and in doing so embarrass the LoreMages' Guild. Will Halokim succeed in his quest or will the Hallad Stone prove itself too great a prize and too great a danger?
Document type: Gamebook
Timeline date: YS 947
Availability: To be completed
Additional Supplementary Titles to the Windhammer Gamebook
The First Book of Haer'al
Here is the primer to the Elder Tongue of Arborell, an essential guide to the language of EarthMagic and the foundation of all languages spoken in the world. With more than 3800 words listed, grammar and usage guidelines and translated texts it can be used to decode many of the hidden clues that can be found within all the books of this series.
Document Type: Language Primer
Timeline date: N/A
Availability: As download files in both pdf and rtf formats.
The Torchlight Adventure Gamebooks
Additional to the other titles that are connected with Windhammer is the Torchlight Adventure Gamebooks. The first of these - Quest for the Orncryst - is currently available but all three in the series relate to the acquisition of three great talismans, the Dragonclaw, the Dragonseye and Morgen's Spear, all of which can be found in the ruins of Stoneholme. How they came to be in the possession of the Dwarvendim are adventures worth the telling and shall be provided as both card-based and text-based gamebooks. Quest for the Orncryst has been described above. The remaining titles in this mini-series - Shadows of the Colossi and Edges of Dissolution - will become available in the future.

Earth and Stone Core Gamebook
The Dragon Windhammer has been defeated and the Tellandra restored, but the consequences of this great victory has left the realms of Arborell in disarray. While the Dwarvendim fight for their freedom in the north, a legion of spectral creatures roam the land, killing Man and Hordim alike, laying waste to towns and villages and destroying everything they encounter.
Within this chaos Halokim Vesh is found by the mysterious Nab and sent forward on an even more perilous quest. To the very edge of the world he must search for the true source of EarthMagic, and then with shards of the Silvan Tree in hand, use its power to quell the violence of the Shadowch.
In his search for the Silvan Tree Halokim will explore ancient ruins and delve deep within vast underground complexes. His journey will take him far from the warm grasslands of Kalborea, into the depths of great forests and along the narrow trails of snow-covered mountain ranges. There he will encounter both friend and foe, and always he will find the lethal malevolence of the Shadowch lying in wait. These creatures of mist and darkness are the world's greatest danger. Born of misused power they have escaped their subterranean shackles and now roam the world in pursuit of mindless violence and destruction. They, above all else, must be destroyed.
Document type: 1250 section Gamebook
Timeline date: YS 947
Availability: Currently in development
Eight other titles supplement this core gamebook, four companion novellas and four gamebook adventures in the Jotun of the West series.
Earth and Stone Companion Series
The Earth and Stone Companion Series is comprised of four novellas, each a small part of the events that interconnect within this huge gamebook adventure. Information on each book is as follows.
A Ranger of the Watch
For Brin Cael the vast mountains of the Great Rift are both home and battlefield, his duty to protect the lands of Men in the south from the ever present danger of incursion by the Horde. It is a task that has seen his life expended in brutal violence and the solitary existence of the frontier. This is the story of his last day, and of a man who would willingly give his life for honour and duty.
Document type: Novella
Timeline date: YS 947
Availability: To be completed.
The Forest Whispers
For almost 430 years the Maturi Hedj has been in service to the Silvan Tree, his life dedicated to the mission given him many years before. But that is about to change for he must leave the sanctuary that has been his home to find the Caer'dahl and save them from the creatures of the Shadowch.
Document type: Novella
Timeline date: YS 947
Availability: To be completed.
The Messenger
A Morg is not a trustworthy creature, more prone to treachery and destruction than honour or duty, but Magwen is no ordinary Morg. Tired of the endless bickering of his brothers he leaves the Dead Forests that are his home and strikes out to the north, looking for adventure and a purpose. What he finds will send him far from his home and deep into the lands of Men, a small pouch at his belt containing a message that will change the history of the world and make allies of mortal enemies.
Document type: Novella
Timeline date: YS 947
Availability: To be completed.
Into the Light of Day
With the Shadowch destroyed Gremorgan must now turn to his next great task. Dissent now spreads through the ranks of the Armies of the March, the power of the Mutan faltering as the Jotun of the West break from the Word of Command. In their desperation the Clavern'sigh look to new allies but find only treachery and the seeds of their own demise. For the LoreMaster there can be no rest as he now finds a more dangerous path before him. To the ruined halls of Menion'Barac the Dwarvendim must now return, and find within its neglected chambers the key that can unlock the Colossi, for without them all the realms of Arborell will fall.
Document type: Novella
Timeline date: YS 947
Availability: To be Completed.
The Jotun of the West gamebook series
Shards of Moonlight
Under the cover of night, a Jotun warrior and his Mentor make for the barren lands of the Shattereen. For Tansen'Delving it is to be his deskai, the proving of his right to be called warrior and the initiation that shall see him named as favoured son to the Chieftainship of Kraal Delving and leader of the Jotun of the West. What lays in wait for the young Jotun is an unexpected destiny, and a journey into the bloody past of the Oera'dim.
Document type: Novella
Timeline date: YS 946
Availability: Online and as both an HTML Download and as a PDF version.
A Murder of Crows
Upon the first breaths of a cold winter Tansen'Delving treks into the north of his lands looking to fulfil one final test of courage that will prove him worthy of becoming Chieftain of his Kraal. What he finds instead is assassination and treachery, and a new challenge that will bring him face to face with a hidden enemy. Is it his destiny to die a lonely death in these cold lands, or will he measure a deadly retribution against those who wish his demise?
Document type: Gamebook
Timeline date: YS 947
Availability: Now Online.
The Horns of Gorgoroth
Drums sound throughout the lands of the Jotun, calling all warriors to gather for war against the Men of the South. With conflict looming once again Tansen must leave the command of his vast army in the hands of his brother Glydenhaal, and make instead for the Horns of Gorgoroth. Somewhere within the cragged terrain of these mountains dwells a Stranger, one who knows the secret of the emurion'ka, and the true destiny of the Jotun of the West.
Document type: Gamebook
Timeline date: YS 947
Availability: To be completed.
Slaves of Creation
With war now raging before the walls of Maenum Tansen must complete his greatest challenge. Into the reaches of the Great Rift he must search out a man of the south, one who holds a stonewood sword in his possession. To the summits of Lamanthel he will lead a crue of Hresh in search of a Dwarvendim by the name of Halokim Vesh. Together they will confront the menace of the Shadowch, and bring into the world a new Power, one that shall bind their fates forever.
Document type: Novella
Timeline date: YS 947
Availability: To be completed.

The Jotun War Core Gamebook
Three years have passed since the rise of the Shadowch and in those years the Dwarvendim have set to the restoration of the Stone Kingdoms. Migrating from the far corners of Arborell, the remnants of the Dwarvendim return to the fortress-cities of their ancestors and find both ruin and hope. For Halokim Vesh it is a time to look to a more settled life, and for a short time it is his to enjoy, but life is never easy or straightforward.
In the cold of the Northern Wastes trouble brews between the Kraals of the Hordim. With the power of the Mutan weakening the Hordim look to new leaders and the settling of old scores. From the Kraals of the Jotunheim the Jotun of the March refuse to accept the prophecy of the Living Book that gives command to the Jotuni Delving, and to disprove his claims prepare to make war on the Jotun of the West. With each of the Kraals of the Oera'dim taking sides there can be no resolution, and no chance that the Hordim will make peace with the Men of the South.
In a world that once again rushes headlong into conflict Halokim is summoned to the Grand Circle of LoreMasters. They have a new quest, one that sends himself and the Tak Lovar into the desolation of the Jotunheim, searching for the leadership of the Jotun of the March. As emissaries of Mankind they are on a diplomatic mission, but one that soon ends as an old nemesis makes itself known, and the future of the world once again hangs in the balance.
Document type: 2000 section Gamebook
Timeline date: YS 950
Availability: To be completed.
The Jotun of the West Core Gamebook is accompanied by four companion series novellas and four supplementary Legends of Clan'dael gamebooks. These additional titles are described below.
The Jotun Wars Companion Series
The Stone Kingdoms have been restored, the Grand Circle returned to the halls of Stoneholme, but a LoreMaster is never idle. War brews between the factions of the Jotun and in doing so threatens to spread devastation through all the realms of the world. From the ruins of Menion'Barac Gremorgan must journey north once again, his task to meet with Halokim Vesh and the Tak Lovar and make for the Jotunheim. A turn of fate will see him instead journey into the domain of the Jotun of the West and an unforeseen destiny.
Document type: Novella
Timeline date: YS 950
Availability: To be completed.
The Book of Shalamai
As tension between the Jotun grows the Clavern'sigh remain unable to control their most powerful warriors. In the far west of the world the Living Book holds in his memory the resting place of a talisman, one that must be found if the nations of Arborell are to survive. At tpesh'shalamai he waits for the prophecy of his ancestors to come to fruition, but he cannot tarry long, the talisman also the goal of others who would rather bury its power. In this time of desperation he must undertake the mission himself, though it is something that cannot be done by one old Hresh alone.
Document type: Novella
Timeline date: YS 950
Availability: To be completed.
The Winds of Shael
Two unlikely allies travel north to the Plains of Shael and the hunting grounds of the Droge, their intent to recover the Hammer of Souls and return it to Adamant. For the Living Book and Gremorgan this will be their greatest adventure as they search the Ice Wastes and encounter the ferocity of the Droge and the lethal winds of Shael.
Document type: Novella
Timeline date: YS 950
Availability: To be completed.
Hammer of Souls
Far from the lands of all Beings rests the Hammer of Souls and it cannot remain undisturbed. In the hands of the LoreMaster Hedj and the Living Book it must be returned to Adamant but their mission is no longer secret. Hounded at every turn by the agents of the Clavern'sigh they make for the ancient fortress, unsure as to whether they can bring the Hammer to its true home before an Old Enemy arises once again in the east.
Document type: Novella
Timeline date: YS 950
Availability: To be completed.
Legends of Clan'dael Gamebook Series
A Return of Shadows
For more than 900 years the people of Clan'dael have remained unnoticed and forgotten in the world, unmolested by the malevolence of their Old Enemy. A chance encounter upon the waters of the Grey Sea will forever change this and send the crew of the "Corescant Ascendant" to the edges of their known world. There they will find the Well of Infinite Truth, and in its black waters uncover the destiny of Clan'dael.
Document type: Gamebook
Timeline date: YS 949
Availability: To be completed.
Pushed by the strong winds of the Grey Sea the Corescant Ascendant finds landfall on the rocky shores of Til'elurion, only to discover an ancient ruin and evidence of the passing of other Men. On this windswept outcrop they shall encounter the ferocity of the Old Enemy and come to understand the fragile state of their existence.
Document type: Gamebook
Timeline date: YS 949
Availability: To be completed.
Wind and Fire
Pushing westwards, Captain Namwe finds the great barrier of the Ashgard and the wreckage of a foreign vessel. After rescuing its strange crew two worlds meet and an alliance is forged, one that will save both the New and the Old Worlds.
Document type: Gamebook
Timeline date: YS 949
Availability: To be completed.
The Ashgard
War is at hand, the Men of the Eastern Isles sworn to aid their brethren in the west, but between them stands the roiling currents and relentless power of the Ashgard. If they are to play their part in the War of Stone and Wind they must overcome its magic and find landfall in Arborell.
Document type: Gamebook
Timeline date: YS 950
Availability: To be completed.

Supplementary Titles
A number of supplementary titles are listed here that provide background information to the world of Arborell, and provide two sequel novels to this epic series. These titles are described here.
A Mentor's Last Duty
The world has returned to peace but for the aged Mentor there is still one final duty, and one last voyage that must be undertaken. From the shores of Arborell the Mentor is sent eastwards by the Shan'duil, his mission a final showdown with his Master's ancient adversary. In this tale of magic and treachery Shalengael must fight a great battle that will see the world return to balance and with his own mortal end take the life of a god.
Document type: Novel
Timeline date: YS 951
Availability: To be completed.
Utterer of the Word
The Clavern'sigh have fallen, the old order now broken and dispersed. For Shamaril, once High Dominus and now Mutan without power there is now only desolation and revenge. He cannot command the Oera'dim so he will instead destroy them, taking all into dissolution with him. Blinded by his own vengeance he must find his way to the Mines of Mourning, and the Hall of Creation if he is to have his way. It is a mission that he knows he will complete for who indeed can stand against him?
Document type: Novel
Timeline date: YS 951
Availability: To be completed.
Atlas of Arborell
The Atlas of Arborell is available as a reference source for readers who wish to understand the geographical context within which the Chronicles of Arborell are set. Currently encompassing eighteen separate maps it will grow over time with the completion of new books and allows a traveller the opportunity to print a large scale wall chart of the entire continent within which these stories are told.
Document type: Atlas Source book
Timeline date: N/A
Availability: Online and as a Download.
The Micro-Gamebooks Collection
The micro-gamebooks collection is a series of fifteen two-page adventures that outline events within the long history of Arborell that otherwise would not be covered in the main gamebook series. These stories range from the myths of the Ancient World to the Great Insurrection of the Oera'dim to the exploits of the Deep Guild of Das Vallendor in the modern era. All are available in two separate formats. The first is as individual PDF files from the download page link given below and the second as compilation editions including the Dark Water Omnibus and the Legends of the Deep Guild, provided as single downloads.
Document type: 2-page micro-gamebooks
Timeline date: N/A
Availability: All available from the Chronicle's Download page and as a part of the Dark Water Omnibus and the Legends of the Deep Guild compilation editions.
The Lexicon of Arborell
Within the Lexicon of Arborell can be found a glossary of terms, places and character names that are unique to the books and supplementary documents of the Chronicles of Arborell. At this stage the glossary is a comprehensive listing of over 400 words gathered from four titles in this series, including The Windhammer Gamebook, Blood and Iron, the Song of the Dromannion and the introductory section to A Murder of Crows.
Document type: Source book
Timeline date: N/A
Availability: Available for download
The Mythology of the Oera'dim
The Mythology of the Oera'dim is a compilation edition of all myths and stories that relate to the Oera'dim of Arborell. It encapsulates all the tales available within the Chronicles of Arborell, including the Book of Scars, and is presented in a pdf format with full colour covers and introduction.
Document type: Source book
Timeline date: N/A
Availability: Available for download.
Warriors of the March
Warriors of the March is a large-scale wargaming rule-set that allows readers of the Chronicles of Arborell gamebook series the opportunity to recreate the great battles of the Horde Wars of Arborell. This is a wargaming system that uses a Commanders Guide and a series of downloadable tile sets to create the Armies of the Four Nations and the forces of their greatest nemesis, the Oera'dim of the Sigh. Long has been the antagonism between these two ancient cultures and great has been the devastation wrought by their conflicts.
This game system is for two or more players and allows engagements to be fought in a range of different modes. Within the Commanders Guide can be found all the rules required to play Standard Games, historical information and battle details to recreate the major battles of the Sixth Horde War, as well as non-campaign scenarios covering a wide range of combat types that can be applied with this rule set.
Document type: Table-top strategy game
Timeline date: YS 736
Availability: Complete and available for download.