Here can be found a glossary of terms, places and characters that are unique to the many books and titles of the Chronicles of Arborell. At this stage the glossary is a comprehensive listing of words from four titles in this series including:
- The Windhammer Core Gamebook
- The Complete Blood and Iron,
- The Song of the Dromannion,
- and sample text from A Murder of Crows.
Over time all the remaining titles encompassed within the Chronicles will be included. An ebook compilation of this glossary titled the Lexicon of Arborell is also available, incorporating all the content of this page in an easy to review pdf format. To aid in the finding of a particular term you can use the following alphabetical links.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K |L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Adamant, Fortress of
Ancient capital of the Trell'sara located within the Pass of Adamant. It was at Adamant that the last of the loyal armies of the Trell'sara were destroyed and the remaining Guardians forced to flee to Nem'haleen.
Adamant, Pass of
A narrow valley situated between the Keln'Kraag Mountains and the massif of the Great Rift.
Administrators' Guild
Legal and Civil authority controlling all governmental functions within the Kalborean Union. Presided over by a Lord Administrator who also acts as Head of Government and Head of State of the Union. Only the LoreMages' Guild holds an equivalent level of civil authority in matters pertaining to government policy.
Collective name for the Middle Countries of the Old World. Bordered in the north by the North Kingdoms and in the south by the Haarn Kingdoms.
Age of Reason
Period in the history of Adoracia that renounced a belief in magic and supernatural forces.
Aggamen the Elder
Jotun General lost at the battle of Kal Murda. Known for both his brutality and skill in oratory.
Agrindel Len
Full name of the Shadar Len. Student to Paderian Hedj.
Father of Tansen'Delving. Chieftain of the Delving Kraal.
Ahlek Nhoram
Healer's Assistant and friend to Emmers Nahr.
Smallest of the Hordim. Known for their emaciated appearance and their custom of hunting in packs of thirty or more. Despised even by other Hordim they are notorious for their skills in sabotage and trap-making, and for the pleasure they find in torture.
Albreght, Armen
A guardsmen of Callenfrey.
Scoutship of the Last Fleet of Men.
A scout vessel of the Last Fleet.
Powder-ship of the Last Fleet.
Alnar Plains
Region of north-east Cembria.
Water creatures of the Old World. Known also as "Pathfinders".
Kraal name for the Jotun of the March that live in the northern extremes of the Jotunheim. Loyal to the Clavern'sigh they are antagonistic to the Kraals of the Jotun of the West, and especially so with Kraal Oldemai upon their western borders.
Largest island of the Laerion Islands group. Home of the Collosi.
Home port of the Equinox when it traded as a smuggler along the north coast of Adoracia.
Anawyn Patrice
An information broker of Northern Kalborea. Known for her contacts with the criminal underworld and the reliability of her information. Although not verified it is rumoured that she is related to Camren Patrice, a plains bandit long sought after by the Provost General.
Anders, Dahl
A friend of Halokim Vesh and a Brother of the Deep Guild. Rumoured to have connections with the criminal underworld of Kalborea and particularly with the smuggling gangs that operate between the Dromannion Free State and the Kalborean Union.
Andros Hedj
Father to Gremorgan Hedj.
Port City of Adoracia. Capital of Cammeray. Home port of the Dromannion.
Chieftain of the Denmar Kraal. One of the greatest Hresh warriors and chief architect of the attack on Callenfrey.
Large spider-like creatures that inhabit the more remote areas of Arborell. Known to nest in colonies that number in the hundreds, they exist in tightly controlled communities led by a dominating Arachnari Queen. Most adult Arachnari measure between one to one and a half metres across their frontal carapace, although a Queen can measure up to two metres with a total leg span of over eight metres. It is a truth of the frontier that Arachnari nests should be avoided at all costs.
A sacred mountain in north-western Arborell. Source of the Doctrine that bears its name. It is said that a LoreMaster who stands at its summit can talk with the Shan'duil itself.
A vessel of the Last Fleet.
The New World. Setting for all the adventures of this series. Literal meaning in Haer'al, "A place of trees".
A scout vessel of the Last Fleet of Men.
Armen Albreght
A guardsman of Callenfrey.
Armies of the March
General term used to describe the combined armies of the Oera'dim.
Eastern kingdom of Adoracia.
Artimus Lovar
Captain of the Kalborea. Finder of the Cembrian Fleet and friend to Gafen Wilbrims.
Barrier that marks the border between the dominions of the Shan'duil and the Hev'duil.
Mysterious verse that holds the greatest secrets of EarthMagic. Known also as the Song of Souls.
Largest island of Clan'dael. Site for the settlement of 1800 refugees from the ships of the Last Fleet.
A ship of the Last Fleet. Second only to the Dromannion in size and complement.
A small farming community of the far north of Kalborea. Most noted for the extensive array of pit defences and spike walls that protect its citizens from Hordim attack. Known also as the location of the Pride of Shelway, a tavern of considerable reputation for its ales and ciders.
Bandit's Row
An old road that cuts through the centre of the Faeron Marshes. Once a major transport route connecting a number of large farming enterprises it has slowly been engulfed by the spread of the surrounding wetlands. With the demise of the farming communities the road has fallen into neglect and ruin. So named as it has become a favoured route for bandit gangs journeying from the towns of Northern Kalborea to the wilder northern plains who wish to remain out of sight and unnoticed.
Baradin Hedj
A border guard at the Fortress of Maenum. Related by bloodline to the LoreMaster Gremorgan Hedj.
A Mountain found at the northern edges of the Great Rift.
Sea-monsters of the Grey Sea that have been recorded at more than eighty metres in length.
A mindless creature created to guard magical artifacts. In its most common form it presents itself as a grotesquely deformed Hresh warrior.
Black Hills
A range of low hills found in north-eastern Kalborea, particularly known for their dark coloration.
Black Powder
An explosive mixture used both in mining and munitions. Unstable and dangerous.
Herbal root used to quell seasickness.
Book at Shalamai, The
Name for the ancient Hresh that resides at Tpesh'shalamai.
Book of Scars
A tally of the pain and hardship endured by an Oera'dim warrior in the course of his life. Also known as the Trial of Hallen'draal and the Pain Key.
Kraal name for Jotun of the March that live in the central regions of the Jotunheim. Known to be fiercely loyal to the Clavern'sigh and antagonistic to the Jotun of the West.
Cael, Mallen
Oldest of the Cael brothers.
Cael, Tomas
Younger of the Cael brothers.
Spirits of air and water. Servants to the powers of the Silvan Tree.
The Hall of Whispers. An ancient delving found within the domain of the Hra'gora.
Ship of the Last Fleet. Also name of the first human settlement in Arborell. Largest port town of north-eastern Kalborea. Home of Mallen and Tomas Cael.
Ship of the Last Fleet. Small, fast vessel used to chase off the Behemoth.
Largest kingdom of the Free Nations of Adoracia.
A Dominus of the Clavern'sigh, Imperator of the Lands of Perdition.
A city of the Faeyen. Also known as the Gateway to the West.
Caren'thal the Younger
Legendary adventurer of the ancient Dwarvendim. First to find a safe passage to the New World.
Carnoth, Feln
A bandit gang leader of Northern Kalborea.
Flagship of the Cembrian fleet. Capital of the Kalborean Union in Arborell.
A nation of the far northern wastes of the Old World.
Frontier region of northern Kalborea.
City states of Kalborea
Autonomous city states unified to form the Kalborean Union.
Name given to the five major islands of the Midreach archipelago.
Another name for the Clavern'sigh. Conclave of Mutan LoreMasters who rule over the Oera'dim.
The eleven Mutan of the Sigh that dominate the Oera'dim of Arborell. Given the power to harness EarthMagic by the Shan'duil they are the Hordim equivalent to the Grand Circle of LoreMasters.
Code, The
Rules of conduct required of all Oera'dim by the Dreya Tree.
Earth-spirits of Amen'wraith.
Colossi of Adamant
Massive statues found in the Pass of Adamant. Renowned for both their size and extreme age.
Ship of the Last Fleet. Attacked at Amen'wraith by the Collosi.
Port of the southern Haarn. It was here that the Nom'Druse were found and the Old Enemy discovered the existence of the Last Fleet.
Crab-like creatures that infest the seaweed islands of the Grey Sea.
Haarn word for sanctuary.
Any unit of Hordim warriors under the command of a single leader.
Dahl Anders
A friend of Halokim Vesh and a Brother of the Deep Guild. Rumoured to have connections with the criminal underworld of Kalborea and particularly with the smuggling gangs that operate between the Dromannion Free State and the Kalborean Union.
Damon Ensch
Healer's Assistant aboard the Dromannion.
Title used to identify a city as a provincial capital or one of regional importance.
Das Frontiere
Frontier city of northern Kalborea.
Das Nephrim
Provincial city of the Kalborean Union. Known also as the Crystal City and for its proximity to Hel'garad, the seat of power of the Kalborean LoreMages' Guild.
Dead Forests
Home of the Kraals of the Morg (Ah'marg).
Deep Vault
The most secure chamber in the treasure labyrinth of Stoneholme. It is said that the accumulated wealth of the Dwarvendim Stone Kingdoms was held within its precincts, only to be consumed by the Dragon Windhammer. Said to be the site of the death of Morgen Orncryst the Younger.
Kraal designation for Jotun who live upon the Moss Plains of north-western Arborell. Primarily herders of Yunta beasts, they live a spartan life of hardship and privation. Most notable of the many leaders that have arisen from this Kraal are Qirion'Delving, leader of the Great Insurrection and Tansen'Delving, wielder of the Light of the World.
Kraal name for Hresh located in the central regions of the Lands of Perdition. Known as the only Hresh to disobey the ruling Clavern'sigh and allied with the Jotun of the West. Most noted of their number is Ansolon'Denmar, crue leader of the attack on Callen'frey and suspected servant to the Stranger at Gorgoroth.
Jotun word for a right of passage. A task given to a warrior to prove his courage and resourcefulness.
Detainment Order
Civil document that authorises the arrest of any suspected citizen of the Four Nations. Used by Bounty Hunters, the Provost General and the Kalborean Army to detain suspects for questioning.
Devkraager Tor
Highest mountain of the Krodestaag Ranges and location of the fortress of Stoneholme. Recognised as the eastern border of the Dwarvendim Stone Kingdoms.
A device that senses the residual life energy of Beings long dead.
A state of complete destruction in which even the spark of life held within each Hordim cannot survive.
Doctrine of Araheal
Treaty reached between the Mutan of the Clavern'sigh, the LoreMasters of the Dwarvendim and the Shan'duil, defining how EarthMagic must be used.
A Haer'al word for Temple. Used to designate many of the ancient ruins that mark the landscape of Arborell.
A talisman of the Ancient World, created by the Trell'sara and used by Hamulkuk the Destroyer to kill the Ell'adrim. Rumoured to exist within the halls of Stoneholme it is also known as the Orncryst.
An explosive exhalation of gases generated within the gut of all Dragons of Arborell. It has been reported that Dragonfire cannot be extinguished and will burn until all that remains of its target has been consumed.
Knowledge and Lore of Dragons and their kindred. Most of the Dragonlore privy to the Men of Arborell relates to modern-day Rift Dragons and the rarer Colderai Dragons of the south. Little is known on the lore of the Ell'adrim except that which has been described in Oera'dim mythology and none has been verified through direct observation. For the Ell'adrim at least there is little that indicates they are anything other than myth.
A talisman of the Ancient World. Used as a weapon against Dragons and known to be residing somewhere within the halls of Stoneholme.
Dreya'dim (also Dreyadim)
Servants of the Dreya Tree. It is said that these spectral entities are the remnants of Hordim found wanting in the Underworld, and pressed into the service of the Dark Tree.
Dreya Tree
Third Power of the World and Master of the Underworld. Also known as the Dark Tree or the Scourger of Souls.
Flagship of the Last Fleet. Also name given to the first landfall of Men in the New World. Meaning in Haer'al is "Wanderer".
Dromannion Free State
First nation state created in the New World. Remained the highest authority for Men in the world until the establishment of the Kalborean Union.
A large-scale magical construct of bone, soil and stone used to guard the most important of magical artifacts. Usually in the form of a Dragon the Druhl are mindless automatons designed to pursue and destroy any trespasser within its domain.
Name for a Kraal of Hresh who reside in the Lands of Perdition.
Concrete-like substance used in the construction of Dwarvendim buildings and infrastructure.
Durgoz Gate
A ring of stone found in Durgoz Hold. One of a number of Gates used to travel great distances when activated.
Durgoz Hold
A ruined stronghold of the Trell situated against the foothills of the Great Rift in north-eastern Kalborea.
Captain of the Dromannion. Commander of the Last Fleet and ancestor to Imogen Duschet, PortMaster at Millers Crossing.
Name given to the human population of the western mountain Kingdoms of Arborell. Slightly shorter in stature than most other men of the Four Nations, the Dwarvendim are immensely strong and hardy of disposition. Before arrival in the New World the ancestors of the Dwarvendim lived their lives as slaves to the Haarn Kingdom of the Old World.
Ancient creatures that have been described in the mythology of the Ancient World as the Assassins of Elanna. Shape-shifters with the capability to assume any size and configuration they have proven troublesome and destructive forces in the long history of the world. Most however, have been destroyed and it is generally understood that only a few remain to haunt the wilder regions of Arborell.
Eagle's Reach
A towering spire of stone found at the edges of the Keln'Kraag mountains in north-eastern Kalborea.
Term used to describe the Hra'gora and the Caer'dahl.
Power of the Shan'duil. Binds all things living and dead into a cycle of life. Used by both LoreMasters and Mutan as a source of magical power.
Larger moon of Arborell. Known also as the "Big Sister".
Elder Tongue
Literal meaning of the word "haer'al". As a term it is used exclusively within the Nations of Men to describe the ancient language that is used to harness the powers of EarthMagic.
An entity of the Ancient World that knows only mindless violence and destruction. In these modern times they are nothing more than myth, although it is said that many have been restrained in the dark, cold places of the world and as such have long been forgotten.
Elesmenedene, Oracle of
A talisman of the Ancient World fashioned as a silvered, free standing mirror. The Oracle will tell any seeker of knowledge what it is that they most need to understand, even if it is not what they want to hear. The name of the Oracle is taken from where it was first discovered, upon the edges of the Waters of Elesmenedene near the current site of Das Vallendor.
A trap found in many ruins of Arborell. Consists of a deep well that has been artificed to produce a swift upcurrent of air. Any victim who falls into its shadowed depths will be suspended within the rushing winds, only to starve to death in its dark confines. Also known as a Trap of Never Ending Deep.
Emmers Nahr
Adoracian refugee aboard the Dromannion, flagship of the Last Fleet of Men. Author of the journal that records the voyage of the Last Fleet from Adoracia, The Song of the Dromannion.
A sword fashioned by the Silvan Tree as a talisman to focus EarthMagic. The most powerful talisman known to man or hordim-kind. Literal meaning, "The Light of the World".
End of Days
Term used to describe the last days in the life of a creature of the Oera'dim. Excluding accident or violence all Oera'dim (except Hresh) know the exact day of their death, and the last days of their lifespan are spent in preparation for their ascent to the Gates of Hallen'draal. Hresh have no End of Days due to an error on the part of their ancient Masters. Designed as weapons of war they were not expected to live any longer than necessary, and because of this were given no exact lifespan. Hresh are theoretically immortal.
A hordim song of mourning. Recited at the setting of the moons each day.
Enika Torres
Daughter of a Silversmith of Callenfrey.
Ensch, Damon
Healer's Assistant aboard the Dromannion.
Small trading ship. Smuggler in the Old World but better known as a scoutship for the Last Fleet into the New World
Erenthel, Hills of
Location of Tpesh'erenthel situated in the Lands of Perdition.
Oldest girl of the original children of the NomDruse.
Ship of the Cembrian fleet.
Faen, Islands of the
Large island off the western coast of Adoracia.
Peoples of the Faen Islands.
Name given to the members of merchant guilds first established in the Old World. Now used for their descendants in the New World of Arborell.
Faeyen Guilds
Collective name for the merchant and professional guilds of Adoracia. Name remained with the Trade Guilds of Dromannion and then with the settlement of Arborell.
Faeron Marshes
Large area of wetlands found in the central regions of Northern Kalborea. Know also as the Faerron and the Dark Marshes it has been growing for many years, engulfing grazing lands and the wild plains as it expands. Notorious as a hiding place for bandit gangs and a type of water-born predator known as a Watcher, the marshes are generally avoided by any who may travel in the northern reaches of Kalborea.
Nomadic herders of Cammeray.
Fallen Masters
Alternate name for the Trell'sara used by the Oera'dim
Fanet Ari
Cartographer aboard the Dromannion. First to copy the ancient maps of Caren'thal.
Healer aboard the Dromannion. Teacher to Emmers Nahr and friend to Paderian Hedj. Keeper of the secret of the true identity of Shalengael.
Term used to describe a belief within the Four Nations that there is a guiding hand of destiny. Also referred to as Providence, or the Hand of Providence.
A Chieftain of the Tomsk Hresh.
Sailor aboard the Equinox.
Hresh warrior entrusted with the captivity of Tomas Cael. Killed at the battle of the Surgis'Ka.
Fires of Ayari
An omen of good fortune. Characterised by energy discharges that run the length of exposed shrouds on ships at sea.
First Hold
Menion'hir. Fortress city of the Dwarvendim in the Dromannion Free State.
An explosive device used to stun large opponents. Not usually lethal though known to cause serious injury.
Fortress of Adamant
Ancient capital of the Trell'sara.
Four Nations
The four established nations of Men located on the mainland of Arborell. Includes the Kalborean Union, The Faeyen Provinces, the Dwarvendim Stone Kingdoms and the NomDruse Homelands. At the time of writing the Dromannion Free State stands apart from the politics of its mainland neighbours although it maintains an historical alliance with all.
Free Nations
Federation of those western countries of Adoracia that have embraced individual rights and the rule of Law.
A legendary ship of the Old World.
Alternate word for Dragon used by those who speak the ancient language of Haer'al.
Gaels, The
Secret Order committed to the service of the Hev'duil. Destroyed at the beginning of the Age of Reason by forces jealous of their power. LoreMasters of the Old World.
Gafen Wilbrims
Captain of the Castaal.
A port of the north-east coast of Kalborea.
Gamba root
Herbal medicine of the Old World.
A scout vessel of the Last Fleet of Men.
Garen Sandofel
Father of Shemwe Sandofel. Killed during the attack on Callenfrey.
Garren Namawe
Blacksmith aboard the Dromannion. Inventor of the black-powder charges used to defeat the Behemoth.
Gates of Hallen'draal
Entrance to the Underworld of the Oera'dim. It is at these gates that a warrior's Book of Scars is exposed and their fate determined.
Talisman that focuses the remnants of memory and emotion.
Brother to Ansolon'Denmar
General of the March
Title of an Oera'dim who commands a crue of more than ten thousand warriors. A designation also granted to successful crue commanders who are made invalid during battle and who then request execution.
A form of illusory camouflage used to hide doors, corridors or pitfalls. Mostly applied to the concealment of inanimate objects or hiding places, they have also been successful in the concealment of both Men and Oera'dim.
Brother to Tansen'Delving.
Gorgoroth, Horns of
Birthing grounds for all Hordim. A sacred place where no violence can be perpetrated at the risk of Dissolution. Entry point for Hordim into the World Above after having been scourged in the Underworld. Also known as the Horns of Goroth.
Ship of the Last Fleet.
Grand Circle
Name given to the eleven LoreMasters granted power over EarthMagic by the agreement at Araheal.
Great Hall
Largest chamber in Stoneholme and the heart of the Fortress. In the Great Hall the StoneKings held court for more than 120 years before the fall of the Stone Kingdoms.
Great Insurrection, The
Rebellion by Jotun and Hresh against the ancient Trell'sara, resulting in the destruction of the Trell and ultimately the formation of the Clavern'sigh.
Great Rift, The
Name given to the largest mountain range in Arborell. Extends from the eastern seaboard to the far western lands of Dissolution. Legendary home of the Ell'adrim, the Moon Dragons of the Ancient World.
Greel, Janen
A guardsmen of Callenfrey.
Gremorgan Hedj
A LoreMaster of the Grand Circle. Friend to Mallen Cael. Custodian of the Word of Dissolution.
Grey Sea
Name given to the vast ocean that separates Arborell from the Old World.
A tormented Hresh used as a Sentinel by its brethren. Known for their mindless brutality.
Guild of Administrators
Civil arm of the government of Kalborea.
Name given to the southern kingdoms of the Old World.
Ancient language that provides the foundations for all languages used by both Men and Hordim. Literal meaning is "Elder Tongue".
Northern Kingdom of the Old World. An ally of the Free Nations.
A port city of Adoracia.
Brother of Ansolon'Denmar
A coal barque of the Cembrian fleet. Scuttled as payment to the Amberdene. Also a frontier town west of the Isirien River situated in northern Kalborea.
Hallen'draal, Gates of
Entry point to the Underworld of Arborell for all Oera'dim. It is at this threshold that the Book of Scars of each Hordim is read and judged.
Second in command of the Equinox.
Hall of Creation
The chamber used by the Trell to create the first of the Oera'dim. It is rumoured to exist somewhere in the far west of Arborell but has never been found.
Halls of Feasting
One of the four levels of the Underworld of the Oera'dim.
Halokim Vesh
A Dwarvendim thief of considerable annoyance to the Kalborean Union. Rumoured to have taken part in a number of thefts against the LoreMages' Guild at Hel'garad and better known in these modern times as the slayer of the Dragon Windhammer.
Ship of the Last Fleet. Small, fast vessel used to chase off the Behemoth.
Harion Rendell
Captain of the Equinox.
Sailmaker on the Equinox.
Ancient teacher of the Gaels. Master of the Lore of the Hev'duil.
Healer Faren
Healer aboard the Dromannion. Teacher to Emmers Nahr and friend to Paderian Hedj. Keeper of the secret of the true identity of Shalengael.
Healing Stick
An Oera'dim artifact used to heal wounds and rejuvenate the ill. Comprises a short piece of wood fused with the skulls of small animals, and usually tied at one end with a collection of feathers and red string. Exactly how these sticks work is unknown to the knowledge of Men.
Hedj, Andros
Father to Gremorgan Hedj.
Hedj, Baradin
A border guard at the Fortress of Maenum. Related by bloodline to the LoreMaster Gremorgan Hedj.
Seat of power of the Kalborean LoreMages' Guild. Known as the training centre for the Guild and residence of the Lord Prefect and his administrative staff. Although well-known to the population of Kalborea only brethren of the Guild may pass beyond its high walls.
An attack where fire is the principle weapon of destruction. Also used to describe a trial by fire.
Source of all magical power in the Old World. Literal meaning "Breath of Life". Master of the Gaels and the only power great enough to break the Ashgard.
High Prefect
Title for a Brother of the LoreMages' Guild who commands a regional base of the guild. Most attend the half yearly meetings of the Synod in Hel'garad and all are indentured servants of the guild until death.
Hills of Erenthel
Location of Tpesh'erenthel situated in the Lands of Perdition.
Name given in general usage by Men of the Four Nations to the multitudes of the Oera'dim.
Another name for any creature of the Oera'dim. Also used to describe any grouping of the same creatures.
Horns of Gorgoroth
Sacred birthing ground of the Oera'dim. The place from which all Hordim enter the world. Also known as the Horns of Goroth or the Birthing Grounds.
Spirits of Earth and Stone. Servants of the Shan'duil.
First creations of the Trell'sara. Designed as weapons of war they are the principle warriors of the Oera'dim. Also known as Hresh'na.
Huwel Mac
Third son of Uberius Mac of Longreach. A bandit of little renown.
Fishing village of the southern Haarn.
A particularly brutal device favoured by Hordim trap builders. Incorporates a false floor and a series of sharp iron probes that slowly impale a helpless victim. Although it is said that Men are the intended prey for these devices it has been conjectured that they are also a staple of the many old training grounds that can be found within the ancient ruins of Arborell. It can be surmised that Impalers have also been used on unsuspecting Oera'dim as well, though for purposes yet to be discovered.
Imperial Entrance
Grand entrance to the labyrinths of Stoneholme.
Isirien River
A river of eastern Arborell. Major tributary to the Laneslem. Best known for its source in the Mireglades and the large number of Watchers that inhabit its surrounding wetlands.
Janen Greel
A guardsmen of Callenfrey.
Ship of the Last Fleet. Also a young girl, last name unknown. Survivor of the Hresh attack on Callenfrey.
Giant creatures of the wastelands of Arborell. Highly intelligent. Most live within the central and western reaches of the Sanhar Wastes.
Jotun of the March
Name used to encompass all Jotun that live in the central wastelands of northern Arborell and includes all Jotun of the Bruhaj, Traebor and Amdahl Kraals.
Jotun of the West
A term used to describe all Jotun allied to the Kraals of the Delving and Oldemai. Known to hold no fealty to the Clavern'sigh and held in considerable suspicion by all other Oera'dim except the Hresh of Kraal Denmar, with whom they have held a long alliance.
Name given to the survivors of the destruction of the fishing fleet of the Haarn. Literal meaning, "people of the small ships". Shortened to Dwarvendim by the end of the voyage of the Dromannion.
Designation given to small communities.
Kal Arbor
Small farming settlement found in the far north of Kalborea. Rumoured to be the residence of the Maturi Len.
Ship of the Last Fleet. Known for its finding of the Cembrian Fleet. Name taken for the Union of twelve city states in central Arborell and most powerful of the Four Nations of Men.
Kalborean Union
A union of twelve city states. Largest political union in Arborell. Governed by a Lord Administrator and twelve lesser Governors.
Kal Chemblain
A large and prosperous farming and trading settlement situated on the banks of the Laneslem River south-east of Millers Crossing. Little known in the wider lands of Northern Kalborea it is a township of more than three thousand souls surrounded at all sides by deep impenetrable marshes. The only access to the town is by river barge and a brisk trade exists between itself and the larger town of Millers Crossing. Most notable is its extensive herb gardens and exotic fruit orchards. It is said that Kal Chemblain is the only human settlement that has succeeded in domesticating the Nahla Tree.
Kal Dor Tarma
A small farming community situated on the south Road between Das Frontiere and Das Nephrim. Renowned for its citrus orchards and weaponsmiths.
Kal Mannion
Mining town found in the hinterland of eastern Kalborea. Known for its Iron mines and centre of the Miners' Guild, one of the few professional guilds not controlled by the Faeyen.
Kal Mulmi
A farming community located on the South Road between Das Frontiere and Das Nephrim. Birthplace of the current Lord Administrator and known as a major producer of tanned goods and salted meats.
Kal Murda
A long abandoned trading community and the location of the most significant battle of the Sixth Horde War. Fought in YS 736 the Siege of Kal Murda ultimately led to the destruction of the small trading community and the failure of the Hordim invasion. Significant also as the site of the acquisition of the emurion by the Nations of Men. Now no more than a ruin the settlement is avoided by most travellers of the northern plains.
Kal Orban
A town of moderate size in north-east Kalborea.
A ship of the Last Fleet.
Mountain range of northern Kalborea.
King's Hall
Large ceremonial chamber found beyond the entrance to Stoneholme. Essentially three parallel halls divided by stone lattice borders that lead into the interior of the fortress.
The Crystal Cascade. Stairway of the Hra'gora and the only route to the Mentor.
Term used to describe a Mutan of low status. Generally applied to all Mutan allocated as servants or labourers. Known also simply as a Korep.
A Hordim settlement or tribal allegiance.
Kraal Delving
Home of Tansen'Delving situated in the lands of the Jotun of the West.
Kraal Denmar
Home of Ansolon'Denmar and a focus of the conspiracy to overthrow the Mutan of the Clavern'sigh. Situated in the central region of the Lands of Perdition.
Kraal Duran
An eastern Kraal of Hresh found in the Lands of Perdition.
Derogatory term for the stone slaves of the Haarn.
Large winged reptiles. Also known as Kreel.
A flying reptile of considerable size and unstable temperament that finds its home within the mountain ranges of Arborell. Also known as Kreal.
Krodestaag Mountains
Mountain range of western Arborell. Home of the Dwarvendim Stone Kingdoms and southern border of the Faeyen Provinces. Known for its harsh climate and rich mineral deposits including silver and iron.
Islands of the Grey Sea. Situated to the north-west of the Haarn Kingdoms.
First settlement upon the shores of Dromannion.
Lands of Perdition
Vast area covering the far north-east of Arborell from the Rift Mountains to the northern ice-cap of the world.
Longest river in Arborell.
Lanja Narris
A woman of the Dwarvendim. One of the original refugees from the southern Haarn.
Last Day
Term used to describe the final day of an Oera'dim's lifespan.
Len, Agrindel
Full name of the Shadar Len.
Lesser Hall
A ceremonial chamber found in the depths of Stoneholme.
Light of the World
Another name for the emurion'ka. A sword fashioned by the Silvan Tree as a talisman to focus EarthMagic. The most powerful talisman known to man or hordim-kind.
Living Book
A Hresh of the ancient world given the task of retaining the knowledge of the Oera'dim. Most favoured as oracles and advisers.
Living Book at Shalamai
A Hresh of immense age who resides at Shalamai.
Ship of Caren'thal the Younger. Also the name of a small scout vessel of the Last Fleet of Men.
Lord Administrator
Highest civilian authority and Head of State of the Kalborean Union.
The knowledge and skill development required to initiate and control EarthMagic.
A manipulator of EarthMagic using talisman's and knowledge stolen from the Dwarvendim. Member of the LoreMages' Guild that should not to be mistaken for a true LoreMaster.
LoreMages' Guild
Civil authority that controls the use of EarthMagic within the Kalborean Union and its territories. Created upon the fall of the Dwarvendim Stone Kingdoms to gather up all knowledge of the use of EarthMagic and to hunt down all the surviving LoreMasters of the Grand Circle.
A servant of the Shan'duil. One of eleven Dwarvendim chosen to use the powers of EarthMagic, and bound in its use by the Doctrine of Araheal.
Mac, Huwel
Third son of Uberius Mac of Longreach. A bandit of little renown.
Mac, Jonath
A bandit of unknown parentage and annoying disposition. Said to have been involved in the return of the emurion to the Dwarvendim LoreMasters at the time of the rise of the Shadowch.
Madame Sandofel
Mother of Shemwe Sandofel.
A dwarvendim miner who died trying to find an alternate way into the Deep Vault of Stoneholme. It is a name used in Dwarvendim folklore as an a synonym for obsession and folly.
Maenum, Fortress of
Main defensive fortress on the northern borders of the Four Nations. Comprises a massive fortress wall that blocks the entire Pass of Maenum, a narrow valley between the western and eastern reaches of the Great Rift, and the only path for invading armies from the north to journey en masse into the lands of the south.
Maenum, Pass of
Name for the valley that separates the two reaches of the Great Rift. Historically the invasion point for every Horde Army since their expulsion from the lands of Men.
Mallen Cael
Oldest of the Cael brothers.
Malleron Forests
Name given by Men to the extensive forests that covered most of Arborell at the time of First Settlement.
Western port of Adoracia.
A Jailor stationed at the Fortress of Maenum.
An Elder of the Dwarvendim. Official title of a LoreMaster in the New World.
Maturi Len
A LoreMaster of the Grand Circle.
Melem's Fork
Small farming community found on the main road linking Miller's Crossing to the Faeyen Provinces in the far west of the world. Known for its Sempaca meat production, cottage industries and proximity to the Ring of Stones.
Capital of the Stone Kingdoms.
Fortress city of the Dwarvendim in the Dromannion Free State. Literal meaning, "First Hold".
A fortress of the Stone Kingdoms.
Men of the South
General name for all Men used exclusively by the Hordim.
Servant of the Shan'duil. Liaison between EarthMagic and the LoreMasters of the Grand Circle.
Survivor of Corin'kraag and passenger with the Last Fleet of Men into the New World.
Meshaal, Forest of
A remnant of the ancient Malleron Forest still to be found in north-east Kalborea. Also know as the Eternal Forest.
Crewman of the Dromannion. A friend to Emmers Nahr.
Midreach Islands
Main island chain of the Midway between the Old and New Worlds. Discovered and named by Caren'thal the Younger on his first voyage of discovery.
A port of the north-east coast of Kalborea.
Millers Crossing
A large fortified town situated upon the western bank of the Laneslem River in Northern Kalborea. Famed for its agricultural markets and high stone walls it is the main focus of most farming activity on the northern frontier of Kalborea. Millers Crossing boasts both a heavy fortified aspect and the longest stone bridge to be found in the Union, spanning more than two hundred metres across the breadth of the Laneslem.
A dangerous region surrounding the northern reaches of the Isirien River. Known for the monstrous creatures that inhabit its swamps and meres.
A creature of the ancient world. A bat-like monster that resides deep within the domain of the Hra'gora.
A collection of connected facts. A meeting of scholars for academic discussion.
Mythological forest spirits of the Old World. Human name given to the smallest of the Oera'dim in the New World. Emaciated and cruel, the Morg do not hold to any of the rules of conduct followed by other creatures of the Horde and have proven uncontrollable by anything other than the Word of Command. It has been the experience of Men that these creatures have an aptitude for sabotage and a liking for torture and arson. Known to themselves as the Ah'marg.
Morgen Orncryst the Younger
Last of the StoneKings and Keeper of the Dragon Windhammer. In his last days he brought the Dwarvendim to defeat at the hands of the Kalborean Union in the War of Three Nations, unable to recognise the betrayal of the Faeyen until it was too late. It is said that he died consumed by dragonfire and left no heirs.
Morgen's Spear
A talisman of the ancient world and one rediscovered in these modern times within the halls of Stoneholme.
Area of barren ground surrounding the Dead Forests of Northern Arborell.
Nab, The
An apparition taking the appearance of a small boy that acts as a messenger for the LoreMasters of the Grand Circle. Nabs are capable of acting upon their surroundings and have been used as vessels to allow the manipulation of EarthMagic when it is either too dangerous or too far away for the LoreMaster to be present themselves.
A fruit of Arborell well-known for its regenerative properties. Used by both the Hordim and Man as a source of food when travelling in the wilds of the world.
Nahla bread
Traveller's bread baked with the fruit of the Nahla Tree. Used in this form as a food to sustain a traveller on long journeys.
Nahla cake
Spicy cake used as food for long journeys by the Oera'dim.
Nahla extract
The most potent usage of the regenerative power of Nahla fruits. Nahla extract has been known to kill those who are unfamiliar with its properties and all care should be taken in its use. It should be noted that only the Faeyen have properly mastered the production of this liquid and in doing so carefully control who has access to it.
Nahla potion
A derivative form of Nahla extract distilled into a powerful regenerative liquid.
Nahr, Emmers
Adoracian refugee aboad the Dromannion, flagship of the Last Fleet of Men. Author of the journal that records the voyage of the Last Fleet from Adoracia.
Nahr's Retreat
Sanctuary first used by Shalengael to heal the children of the NomDruse.
Nargel's Hold
Ancient fortress of the Trell'sara. Situated to the west of the Isirien River it was once used by the Ah'marg as a Kraal.
Narris, Lanja
A woman of the Dwarvendim. One of the original refugees from the southern Haarn.
Needle Flies
Fist-sized flying insects that hunt in swarms counted in their thousands. Inhabiting deep caverns and abandoned mining shafts Needle Flies have proven no threat to Men who travel above ground. They have an instinctive aversion to light and prefer the dark spaces of the subterranean world to ambush unsuspecting victims. It is said that Needle Flies kill by piercing the bodies of their prey with long razor-sharp probosces and it has been recorded that creatures as large as Jotun have been overcome by their attacks. The few investigations of the skeletal remains of victims that have been attempted have shown that once a target has been dispatched the Flies lay their eggs on the carcass and the resulting larvae reduce the remains to no more than a few bones.
Last stronghold of the Trell'sara.
A legendary ship of the Old World.
Nhoram, Ahlek
Healer's Assistant and friend to Emmers Nahr.
Devices worn to find a sure path in total darkness.
General term for people of the Haarn's southern regions.
NomDruse Homelands
Name given to the lands controlled by the NomDruse in the New World. Since settling in Arborell the NomDruse have led a solitary existence, only venturing beyond their borders in time of war against the Oera'dim. In modern times only the Venerable Siddigh has journeyed beyond their natural borders in southern Arborell, residing as Ambassador and Scholar at Castaal, the capital of the Kalborean Union.
North Kingdoms
Northern domains of the Old World. First to come into conflict with the Old Enemy.
Obernoth, Tilsal
A sailor of the Equinox.
Creatures created by the Trell'sara to be used as warriors and servants. Common name for the Horde given to themselves since ancient times that translates approximately as "Slaves of Creation". The term Oera'dim is the source of the human approximation of "Hordim".
Old Dwarvendim
Name given to a dialect of the Stone Kingdoms used in the earliest days of settlement. It is surmised that it originated as one of the surviving languages of the Old World, brought to Arborell by the Last Fleet of Men. Supplanted in modern times by the Common Anglish of the Kalborean Union.
Kraal designation for Jotun who live in the northern reaches of Arborell, bordering the lands of the Jotunheim and the feeding grounds of the Droge. With the jotun of Kraal Delving the Oldemai constitute the Jotun of the West and have held a close alliance with the Delving for many millenia.
Old Enemy
Name given to the mysterious forces that destroyed the Old World and forced the remnants of mankind to flee into the west. It is recorded that no warrior who faced the Old Enemy ever returned to tell of their nature.
Old World
General name given to the vast continent that includes Adoracia, the Haarn and Northern Kingdoms. Origin of the Last Fleet of Men.
Haer'al word for Dragon.
Paderian Hedj
First leader of the Dwarvendim. Ancestor to Gremorgan Hedj.
A merchant of the Faeyen. Father to Sil.
The most famous horse of Kalborean history. Known to have carried Halokim Vesh on his quest to restore the Tellandra.
Pass of Adamant
A narrow pass situated between the Keln'Kraag Mountains and the massif of the Great Rift.
Patrice. Anawyn
An information broker of Northern Kalborea. Known for her contacts with the criminal underworld and the reliability of her information. Although not verified it is rumoured that she is related to Camren Patrice, a plains bandit long sought after by the Provost General.
A scout vessel of the Last Fleet.
Pillar of Stonewood
Alternate name given to the Tellandra of the Dwarvendim. In the form of a tall pillar it is a solid piece of stonewood, a remnant of the destruction of the Silvan Tree and a direct link to the powers of EarthMagic.
Port Annihil
Main port city of the Dromannion Free State.
Potion of Renewal
A potion distilled from the essence of the Nahla Fruit. Considered to be too potent for most uses and as such tightly controlled by the Administrator's Guild.
Powers of the World
A term used to encompass the Three Powers, those Powers being the Shanduil, the Silvan Tree and the Dreya Tree.
Rank given to high level Brethren of the LoreMages' Guild.
Providence, Hand of
A belief common in Arborell of a guiding hand of Fate.
Provost General
Specialist units of the Kalborean Army that act as both military and civil police. Well known for their brutality the Provos have evolved into a separate arm of government that has little oversight and only marginal control from Army leadership or the Guild of Administrators.
No current listings for Q in this glossary.
Rangers of the Watch
Name given to the elite Ranger units of the Kalborean Army that guard the northern mountains of Arborell against incursion by the Hordim. Also known as the Black Guard.
A scorpion-like monstrosity known to inhabit the wastelands of Arborell. Growing up to six metres in length Reavers are equipped with long sinuous tails, razor sharp claws and steel hard carapaces. These creatures forage mostly as scavengers but have been known to attack solitary travellers.
Rendell, Harrion
Captain of the Equinox.
Currency of the Four Nations of Men. Also known simply as silver coin.
Rift Mountains
Largest mountain range in Arborell. Also known as the Great Rift.
Rinfalen's Gate
Entrance to the Temple of the Moons. Can only be used by a Being in possession of the Word of Aggeron.
Ring of Stones
The Ring of Stones is a vast and ancient monument found in the north-western corner of Northern Kalborea. Constituted of 22 huge stones it is a perfect ring of monoliths that stands upon a flat plain surrounded by woodlands. It is believed that the Stones predate both Men, Hordim or the ancient inhabitants of Arborell. Just as its age is unquantifiable so is its purpose. In these modern times it serves as a curiosity for travellers following the West Road to the Faeyen Provinces.
River of Life
Another name for the Shan'duil.
Royal Library
A chamber found within Stoneholme that once housed the complete scholarly collections of the Dwarvendim StoneKings. Destroyed at the end of the War of Three Nations, its contents were taken in majority by agents of the Kalborean Union and have not yet been recovered.
A secret refuge found in many houses in Kalborea.
Unit Commander of the Kalborean Army.
Sand Lurker
A huge slug-like predator that inhabits pits and caverns, usually beneath sandy, loose ground. Equipped with a number of prehensile tentacles, a Lurker can measure up to fifteen metres from tail to end of tentacle and have been known to drag adult Kreel into their lairs. It is said that the only effective defence against a Lurker attack is to do as much damage as possible to its tentacles before it can drag its victim below ground. Lurkers have a low tolerance to pain and this should be remembered if ambushed by one of these predatory creatures. Closely related to a much larger wetland cousin known as a Watcher.
Sandofel, Garen
Father of Shemwe Sandofel. Killed during the attack on Callenfrey.
Sandofel, Shemwe
Fiancee to Tomas Cael. Known mostly for surviving her captivity under Ansolon'Denmar.
The great northern tundra of Arborell. General name given to all lands to the north of Maenum Pass and bordered to the east and west by the Lands of Perdition and the Jotunheim.
School of Lore
Training ground for Shardarim.
Second Power
Alternative name for the Silvan Tree.
Large migratory herd animals found in northern Kalborea and the high mountain valleys of the north-west. Closely related to the Yunta beasts of the northern tundra although of a smaller stature.
Sentinels of the Ashgard
Huge statues that mark the only crossing point between the dominions of the Hev'duil and the Shan'duil.
Smaller moon of Arborell. Also known as the "Little Sister".
Dwarvendim name for a student of Lore.
Shadar Len
Student to Paderian Hedj.
An assassin. Alternative name for the dweo'gorga.
Entities created of misused EarthMagic by the LoreMages' Guild of Kalborea and shackled deep beneath the western mountains. It is rumoured that within their subterranean prison one of their number has risen to leadership over the rest, and in it is only the restraints placed upon them that keep them from the knowledge of most Men.
Shalamai Hills
A series of low hills found to the north of Kraal Delving.
Last of the Gaels, a secret Order committed to the Service of the Hev'duil. Also known as Shalen'gael, or Stump.
Last of the Gaels, a secret Order committed to the Service of the Hev'duil. Also known as Shalengael, or Stump.
Name for a Oera'dim shaman. Literal meaning in Haer'al is "magic weaver".
The River of Life. The Great Power of the world. All power used by the Silvan Tree, Dreya Tree, LoreMasters or Mutan flows from this source.
Shan River
A river of northern Kalborea.
Shan Valleys
Name given to a series of fertile valleys in the shadow of the Great Rift Mountains.
Students of the Lore of EarthMagic. A potential LoreMaster Also known as Shadar.
Talisman worn by wielders of EarthMagic. Different Sharyah have different properties but all contain a small piece of stonewood, and each is tied directly to the power of the Silvan Tree.
Shemwe Sandofel
Fiancee to Tomas Cael. Known mostly for surviving her captivity under Ansolon'Denmar.
Team sport popular with the peoples of the Free Nations of Adoracia.
A small stone plinth that provides an impenetrable barrier, usually across hallways or to partition larger chambers. Should not be mistaken for the Sharyah of the same name which provides personal protection.
Technique used to disorientate creatures of the Oera'dim. It is said it is the outcome of a flaw built into the Hordim by their old masters, the Trell'sara, that allows an aggressive slave to be neutralised by its Master.
A Faeyen girl. Daughter to Padma.
Silvan Tree
Second Power of the World. Master of Trees and conduit of all EarthMagic used in the world.
Alternate name for the Clavern'sigh.
A derogatory term used against the peoples of the Dwarvendim.
Vast Treasure-fortress of the Dwarvendim Stone Kingdoms and site of the demise of the last StoneKing, Morgen Orncryst the Younger. Located beneath the summit of the Devkraager Tor it is the nesting place of the Dragon Windhammer and can be found upon the edges of the Krodestaag Mountains in north-western Arborell.
Stone Kingdoms
Four Kingdoms established within the environs of the Krodestaag Ranges. Unified under Madinar Orncryst although the name has remained.
Hereditary rulers of the Dwarvendim Stone Kingdoms. All StoneKings are descendants of the first, Hadireen Orncryst, who lead the Dwarvendim people out of the Kalborean Union and into the summits of the Krodestaag.
A shard of the Silvan Tree. The most powerful conduit of EarthMagic in the World.
Storm Shepherds
Another name for the Verk'haalen of Hordim mythology.
Straits of Elanna
Passage used by the Last Fleet of Men to gain access to the western shores of the Midreach.
Straits of Shabel
Passage used by the Last Fleet of Men to gain access to the western shores of the Midreach.
Stranger of Gorgoroth, The
Name given to a creature who lives within the confines of the Horns of Gorgoroth.
Name used by Shalengael prior to the discovery of his true identity.
The Plains of Light. Vast grassland region in the north-west of Arborell.
Port city. Capital of the Haarn Kingdoms. Renowned for its great architectural works.
A shrine of the ancient World, usually depicting a stone tree on a high stepped platform. Such shrines can vary in size from small representations to Taals of enormous size and power. The most well known of these shrines can be found beneath the deep canopy of the Forests of Meshaal.
A Seeker of Truth. A brother of the LoreMages' Guild given the duties of Inquisitor and Historian.
Tak Lovar
A member of the LoreMages' Guild and first man to hold the talisman known as the emurion after the fall of Hel'garad.
Favoured son of Agror'Delving, Cheiftain of Kraal Delving. Possessor of the emurion'ka and marked by the Word of Aggeron.
A vessel of the Last Fleet.
A vessel of the Last Fleet.
Three Tears, The
A marking on the faces of all Oera'dim, given at their emergence from the Birthing Grounds of Gorgoroth. The meaning of these markings is unknown to Men.
Telleth, Corporal
A soldier of the Provost General, currently stationed on the South Road between Millers Crossing and Das Frontiere.
The greatest talisman of the Dwarvendim. A Pillar of Stonewood that serves as the conduit of all EarthMagic harnessed by the Dwarvendim Grand Circle of LoreMasters. Found at Traebor'nar'dorum it is a pillar of pure white stonewood, taken from the remnants of the Silvan Tree and fashioned into a free standing pillar. Considered by many to be the heart of the Dwarvendim peoples.
Temple of the Moons
Most sacred of all shrines in the world of Arborell. Can only be entered by one who wears the Word of Aggeron tattooed upon their arm.
Temple of the Suns
Institution that existed in the city of Das Frontiere concerned with the training of novice LoreMasters. Closed down by the Kalborean Union when it was discovered it also served as a focal point for rebellion against their suppression of the Dwarvendim.
A people of eastern Adoracia.
City of the Faeyen Provinces. Renowned for its magnificent Library.
A rare spellbook written in the ancient language of Haer'al. It is rumoured that the book originates in the Old World and was carried to Arborell by Shalengael himself.
Most famous of all swords crafted within the Four Nations of Men. Literal meaning of its name - Lord of Swords.
Til'carrion Islands
Island chain situated in the mid-waters of the Grey Sea.
Tilsal Obernoth
A sailor of the Equinox.
Time Stream
A large-scale device found in many ancient ruins and used to obtain glimpses of both the future and the past. Unlike many similar devices that provide an onslaught of possible futures, a Time Stream gives a broad interpretation of the future of the individual standing before it.
Last word of the Ather'Lorell. Its meaning is unknown, but its utterance unlocks any secret power held within any representation of the Ather'Lorell.
Tomas Cael
Younger of the Cael brothers.
One of the more numerous Kraals of the Hresh. Fiercely loyal to the Clavern'sigh.
Torres, Enika
Daughter of a Silversmith of Callenfrey.
Small domed stone structure, partially set below ground, that acts as a sanctuary from the violent storms of northern Arborell.
Hordim settlement in the Lands of Perdition. Situated within the Hills of Erenthel
Small domed structure used by the Living Book. Found just south of the Shalamai Hills.
Kraal name of the Jotun of the March that inhabit the central western plains of the Jotunheim. Loyal to the Clavern'sigh they have proven to be antagonistic to the Jotun of the West, especially the Jotun of Kraal Delving.
Trap of Never Ending Deep
A trap found in many ruins of Arborell. Consists of a deep well that has been artificed to produce a swift upcurrent of air. Any victim who falls into its shadowed depths will be suspended within the rushing winds, only to starve to death in its dark confines. Also known as an Emaciator.
Violent storms of northern Arborell. Literal meaning, "Murderer of Innocents".
Trebett's Gorge
Opening at the western edge of the domain of the Hra'gora. The only exit from the Caer'nar'dorum.
Human name for the Trell'sara. Once guardians of the Silvan Tree but now lost to an ancient war.
Hresh warrior entrusted with the captivity of Tomas Cael. Killed at the battle of the Surgis'Ka.
Trial of Hallen'draal
A tally of the pain and hardship endured by an Oera'dim warrior in the course of his life that determines whether they shall find entry beyond the Gates of Hallen'draal. Also known as the Book of Scars and the Pain Key.
Huge slug-like creatures that inhabit deep water pools and swamps. Also known as Lurkers or Watchers.
Another name for the Collosi of Amen'wraith.
Highest summit of Amen'wraith.
True Witness
Name of the only Jotun to return from the Underworld with the memories of his journey intact.
Truvo, Calmus
A man of Callenfrey, killed by the Denmar Hresh in the aftermath of the attack on the port-town in the year YS 517.
Truvo Farm
Trading name for a large Sempaca farming enterprise situated on the West Road between Miller's Crossing and Melem's Fork. Most noted as the childhood home of Halokim Vesh, the Slayer of Windhammer and Liberator of the Dwarvendim peoples. At the time of writing this farm still operates under the ownership of the fourth generation of the Truvo family.
Caer'dahl of the Silvan Tree. Guardian of all quiet waters and Messenger of the Second Power.
A scout vessel of the Last Fleet.
The creature that utters the Word of Command. At the times of these adventures such power resides with the Mutan of the Clavern'sigh.
Hordim word used to describe the Men of the Four Nations. Literal meaning is "plague" or "disease".
Venerable Siddigh
A scholar of the NomDruse Homelands and the only NomDruse to travel beyond the borders of the Rabatte. It is a widely held belief that the Venerable Siddigh has lived since the first landfall of Men in the New World, and that use of the NomDruse as a vessel for the power of the Gaels has given them immortality and a complete knowledge of the Old World and its magic.
An ancient Hordim myth. Violent spirits that live within the power of large storms. Known also as Storm Shepherds.
Vesh, Halokim
A Dwarvendim thief of considerable annoyance to the Kalborean Union. Rumoured to have taken part in a number of thefts against the LoreMages' Guild at Hel'garad and better known in these modern times as the slayer of the Dragon Windhammer.
Large predatory cat found along the fringes of the Rift Mountains, and upon the wide plains of northern Arborell. Known to hunt in pairs and travel long distances in search of prey.
Dog-like monsters trained for war by the Oera'dim. Stone versions of these creatures have been found in many parts of Arborell, their purpose to guard magical artifacts until they are brought to life upon the approach of a trespasser. It has been reported that Warbeasts are extraordinarily difficult to kill and just as difficult to control.
War of Three Nations
A conflict fought in the years YS840 to YS842 between the Faeyen, Dwarvendim and Kalborean Union. Widely held to have been the trigger for the collapse of the Stone Kingdoms and the enslavement of the Dwarvendim by the Kalborean Union. Preceded the Seventh Horde War which almost lead to the destruction of all the Four Nations.
Name given to an area of ancient mining works found in north-eastern Kalborea.
Wash, The
Port at the mouth of the Laneslem River.
A huge slug-like predator that inhabits deep lakes and meres. Equipped with a number of prehensile tentacles, a Watcher can measure up to thirty metres from tail to end of tentacle and have been known to pull adult Sempaca beasts into their lairs. It is said that the only effective defence against a Watcher attack is to do as much damage as possible to its tentacles before it can drag its victim below water. Watchers have a low tolerance to pain and this should be remembered if ambushed by one of these predatory creatures. Also known as Trippets and closely related to a dry land cousin known as a Sand Lurker.
Well of Infinite Possibility
Artifact of the Old World that displays every consequence of a person's actions.
Captain of the Castaal.
Name given in general to Dragons by the Hordim, but used specifically for one of these giant creatures that resides in Stoneholme. Also known as a Gael'qirion or Orn'qirion.
Village situated in the Kingdom of Cammeray. Home of Emmers Nahr.
Word of Aggeron
Tattoo marking given to Tansen'Delving and the Living Book at Shalamai so that they may pass beyond Rinfalen's Gate and enter the Temple of the Moons.
Word of Command
Ancient spell of obedience that holds all Oera'dim in thrall. No creature of the Horde can withstand the compulsion of its Utterer to do their bidding. The Word of Command was last spoken more than eight millenia before the arrival of Men in the world.
Word of Creation
The spell used to create the first Hordim. Also known as the Oera.
Word of Dissolution
A spell that it is said can be used to remove anything created by EarthMagic, even the Oera'dim themselves.
No current listings for X in this glossary.
Year of Settlement
This is the basis of the Kalborean calendar and over the years has been adopted as the standard measure of time within the Four Nations of Man. Based on the arrival of the original refugees who made it across the Grey Sea and settled in Arborell, it is a measure of the length of human habitation in Arborell.
Large bovine creatures that live in the desolate northern wastes of Arborell. Herded by the Jotun as meat animals as they migrate across the moss-plains of the north-west.
No current listings for Z in this glossary.

Further books will be included in this glossary as time allows. Ultimately every term, place
or character mentioned in the Chronicles will be listed here.
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