The rules for joining the Tournament are as follows:
- 16 spaces will be open for entry. All entries that follow the rules will be accepted. If however, all 16 spaces are full by the time I receive an entry email I will have to turn the entry down.
- The entry must include your Knight's name, your email adress and what Virtue (To download the Full Tilt rules click Here) your Knight shall take. Also, if your Knight has heraldry or a Coat Of Arms then please send it too. Note: The Jousting Virtue cannot be taken by Knights in this Joust, it is too unbalancing.
- Your entry must also include which three "jousting ploys" you wish to use in the first round of the Joust, (read the Full Tilt rules to find out more about "jousting ploys"). If your knight is skillful enough to win his round, I shall email you and ask you what "ploys" you want to use in the next round.
- All entries must be emailed to
- All accepted entries will be placed on a Tournament roster. You will be notified by email once a round has ended if your knight participated in the round.
Here are the rules for the Tournament:
- All Knights have the following stats: M4 WS5 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 Ld8 and an armour save of 4+ unless noted otherwise. Note: Although the knight has 3 Attacks, he will only strike once per pass.
- All Jousts will be dramatically described and include the results of each and every roll. (Not really a rule as such, but I thought you'd want to know)
- This Joust will be an "elimination" version of the Jousting Tournament. Thus no Tableaux de Bataille will happen. All of the knights shall be randomly paired against each other so all of the knights are involved in a single joust. Each knight who loses his match is eliminated from the tournament. Each knight who wins passes on to the next round. This process will continue over 3 rounds until only two knights remain, these two will then have one final match and the winner will be claimed the victor of the Tournament!
- The rules for winning (and losing) the Jousting rounds is exactly the same as described in the Full Tilt rules. The only exception being that any wounds a Knight suffers in one round are carried on to further rounds.
- I shall roll for Lady's Favours for each Knight during the Parade.
- The lances that all of the Knights use are are blunted "courtesy lances" and the usual +2 to Strength for charging with a lance is ignored.
- Empire Knights may enter the Jousting Tournament, they follow the same rules as other Knights but have a few changes to their abilties: They get no Virtues, they have a 3+ armour save due to Full Plate armour.
- High and Wood Elven Knights may enter the Jousting Tournament, they follow the same rules as other Knights but have a few changes to their abilities: -1 Toughness, +1 Weapon Skill, No Virtues, No Lady's Favours.
- I have had to change one Virtue's ability, the Virtue Of Knightly Temper allows a Knight to re-roll a failed to-hit roll. Only one re-roll per strike however.
The Jousts themselves are played out like this:
- Both knights gallop towards each other, they use their pre-chosen "ploys" to strike at each other, the Knight who has the faster "ploy" (i.e Aiming for the shield is quicker than aiming for the crest) strikes first, some Virtues can make a Knight who has a slower "ploy" strike first. If both ploys are equally fast and neither Knight has a Virtue that makes him faster, then both knights attack each other at the same time.
- If a knight's attack hits and wounds (before armour saves) then his lance is broken whether his opponent succeeds his armour save or not. If his opponent fails his armour save and takes a wound, the opponent must roll a dice to see if he is unhorsed (unless he has the Virtue of Discipline), on a 1-3 the opponent tumbles from his mount and is Eliminated from the tournament! A 4-6 means he stays on his horse. If a Knight ever suffers a total of three wounds over the course of the tournament he is instantly knocked off his horse and eliminated.
- If a lance strike hits but the roll to wound is failed, the lance is not broken. Needless to say, if you miss with a lance attack the lances does not break.
- If both Knights are still on their horses at the end of the pass, then they repeat the process until either one of the Knights is unhorsed or three passes have been completed. If three passes have been completed and both Knights are still on their horses, whoever has broken more lances on his opponent wins. If both Knights have an equal amount of broken lances, the Knights will continue to pass each other until one is unhorsed or the tie of broken lances is broken.
This symbol represents how many lances a Knight broke during a Joust:
- This symbol represents how many wounds a Knight has taken over the course of the Tournament:
- This symbol shows which Knight is the victor of the Joust:

All Knights (except Elves and Empire Knights) that enter may pick one Virtue from the list of Tournament Virtues. These Virtues give special advantages and disadvantages to the Knights who choose them. Bretonnian Knights also get either the Grail Virtue, Questing Virtue or Knightly Virtue, but these have no effect on the Joust itself.
Here is a full list of all of the Tournament Virtues that may be taken and what effect they have:
- Knightly, Questing or Grail Virtue: No Effect
- Virtue Of Devotion: The Knight impresses the onlooking Ladies with his devotion and fearlessness. The Knight gains a Lady's Favour worth three re-rolls.
- Virtue Of Discipline: The Knight is well trained from many hours practice in the tiltyard and can easily stay on his horse if hit. The Knight will not need to roll to see if he stays on his horse if he is wounded. He will however still be knocked off his horse if he suffers three wounds over the course of the Tournament.
- Virtue Of The Impertuous Knight: Much to the onlooker's delight, any Knight who takes this Virtue is confident and somewhat hot-headed. He spurs he horse to go ever faster and thus he always strikes first, regardless of his jousting ploy.
- Virtue Of Knightly Ardour: The first charge of a Knight with this Virtue is so vigourous and powerful that it can easily throw a Knight from his horse. The Knight adds +1 to his Strength during the first pass of a round.
- Virtue Of Knightly Temper: A Knight with this Virtue has a keen eye and has natural talent with the lance. Knights with this Virtue are to be feared as they gain a +1 on all to hit rolls.
- Virtue Of Noble Disdain: The Knight is well known for his toughness and ability to shrug off wounds that would knock any normal man out of his boots! A Knight with this Virtue completely and utterly ignores the first wound caused to him (i.e he does not suffer it) with a valourous show of indifference.
- Virtue Of Purity: A Knight with the Virtue Of Purity is a shining example of Knighthood and usually a favourite amongst the peasant-folk. His faith in the Lady shields him from incoming blows and helps him to victory. The Knight may re-roll failed armour saves (only once per armour save of course) but cannot use the Dodge or Swipe ploys.
- Virtue Of Valour: Always a crowd-pleaser, the valourous Knights with this Virtue are brave, handsome and attract Lady's Favours almost without even trying, much to the other Knights' despair. The Knight automatically gets a Lady's Favour worth d6 re-rolls.
- Jousting Virtue: Not included in this tournament, pick another instead.
Have fun!
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