Here is a list of all of the Knights who have entered The Tournament Of The Blessed Helm:

Name: Sir Gaspard de Quenelles.
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Knight's Virtue and the Virtue Of The Impetous Knigh.t
Description: Known for his speed and comabt abilities, few are those who can match the speed of Sir Gaspard. Sir Gaspard was the first to enter the Tournament and is very eager to get started.

Name: Marcus Duc d'Aspenforte.
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Knight's Virtue and the Virtue Of Discipline.
Description: Marcus Duc d'Aspenforte always keeps a cool head during Jousts and it is this that allows him to stay on his horse for longer after being struck. Marcus Duc d'Aspenforte looks like a tough opponent for whomever shall face him.

Name: Marquis Etien De Rochefort.
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Grail Virtue and Virtue Of Knightly Temper.
Description: Fresh from holding his own Tournament, Marquis Etien De Rochefort is a Knight to be feared by his opponents as his skills in a Joust are renowned. Marquis Etien De Rochefort has sipped from the Grail and is thus a potent example of chivalry, someone to be both praised by good and feared by evil.

Name: Duc Marshellieu de Parravon.
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Knight's Virtue and Virtue Of Noble Disdain.
Description: Marshellieu disdains all things evil and cowardly, and hunts them down where-ever they may be. He has led many forces against Orcs, Chaos and other foes and victory after victory follows him. Duc Marshellieu de Parravon hopes that this Tournament will be another victory for both himself and Bretonnia.

Name: Sir Darrius d'Fin.
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Knight's Virtue, Virtue Of Valour.
Description: Sir Darrius d'Fin is a valourous Knight who carries the Battle Standard in Sir Gindle's army. He is a worthy fighter and is always willing to risk his life to help others or slay evil. Sir Darrius d'Fin is exceptionally brave even among his fellow Knights, and inspires courage and valour amongst Sir Gindle's men.

Name: Armand Uberstadt Of Talabheim.
Type: Empire Knight.
Virtues: None, None.
Description: Armand Uberstadt is a Knight from Talabheim and a known hunter of Undead and Chaos Mutants. He detests Mutants, Daemons and Undead because they offend the order of things and destroy the civilizations of Men. Armand Uberstadt has come to win the Blessed Helm in the hopes that it will further his ends of ridding the land of unholy and gruesome things.
Name: Sir Hillier.
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Questing Virtue, Virtue Of Discipline.
Description: Sir Hillier uses his family name so that any good deeds he does fall on his family name instead of himself. A notable event was his Joust against Earl Cadfael in a recent Tournament, it ended with both Knights too badly injured to continue, and the contest ended as a draw. Sir Hillier's quests for the Grail have allowed him to see the importance of self-discipline.

Name: Sir Bran Belfort, Knight Of Rosemont Castle in the province of Quenelles. (Sir Bran Belfort for short)
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Knight's Virtue, Virtue Of Purity.
Description: The second son of Baron Belfort, Sir Bran Belfort quests within the lands of Bretonnia, earning fame and glory in the name of his family. Sir Bran is pure of heart and his faith in the Lady Of The Lake shields him during combat.

Name: Sir Deal.
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Knight's Virtue, Virtue Of Noble Disdain.
Description: Sir Deal is an opponent not to be taken lightly, he has unhorsed many foes both in noble jousts and in brutal combat. He has saved untold Damsels from the forces of Chaos, Orcs and other such evils. He is also noted as an exceptional horse-rider and has a natural talent for riding even the most stubborn and temperamental of warhorses.

Name: Sir Ryanent D. Cooke, "The Golden Warrior".
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Grail Virtue, Virtue Of Purity.
Description: This Tournament holds a lot more than simple glory for Sir Ryanent, for he has seen a vision of himself, leading an army of Knights against the dread forces of Chaos whilst wearing the Blessed Helm. He believes that if he does not win this Tournament and gain the Blessed Helm, the world will fall to the Dark Gods of Chaos.
See what happened to Sir Ryanent D. Cooke, "The Golden Warrior", after the Tournament.

Name: Hercule Achille du Bois Guilbert.
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Knight's Virtue, Virtue Of Valour.
Description: Hercule Achille du Bois Guilbert is an aged Knight who has been married for more than 40 years. He is handsome and is still as brave as the younger Knights who adventure with him. He, for some reason, is an absolute favourite with the Ladies, perhaps it is his charm, or his valour. For whatever reason, most of the Damsels in the crowd will be cheering on this brave Knight.
See what happened to Hercule Achille du Bois Guilbert, after the Tournament.

Name: Elannion Lethel, Prince Of Avelorn.
Type: High Elf.
Virtues: None.
Description: Elannion Lethel is a warrior of great skill and strength. He has come to this Tournament with but one objective in mind, the winning of the Blessed Helm. Elannion believes that the Helm is an old elven relic, thus it must be regained.

Name: Joc'de Tayl'ore.
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Grail Virtue, Virtue Of Valour.
Description: Joc'de Tayl'ore has completed the Grail Quest and has sipped from the Grail. Few in all the lands are as valourous as Joc'de Tayl'ore, fewer still are as skilled with the lance as he. Due to his bravery, Joc'de Tayl'ore has many Damsels cheering him on.

Name: Sir Jacques Vertig.
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Knight's Virtue, Virtue Of Knightly Temper.
Description: Sir Jacques Vertig is a well-known Knight whose skill in combat is hard to match. He helps defend Bretonnia with his army of stalwart Men-At-Arms and valourous Knights. Sir Jacques Vertig is a great leader and an excellent tactician. He is to be taken seriously by his foes, for his skill-at-arms is great.

Name: Ludwig Von Middenheim.
Type: Empire Knight.
Virtues: None.
Description: Ludwig is from the land of Middenheim, his reasons for coming to the Tournament are unknown to all but him. All that is known is that Ludwig is a powerful champion and that he has many years experience of combat and warfare behind him.

Name: Sir Ralph, the Duke of Brionne.
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Knight's Virtue, Virtue Of Purity.
Description: Sir Ralph is the duke of Brionne and a warrior of great skill and courage. He has great faith in the Lady Of The Lake and uses this to shield him during combat. Wounds that would knock out lesser men are deflected by Sir Ralph's amazing faith.