The clear sound of Trumpets announced the arrival of the King's Herald. "Noble Knights and Fair Ladies, welcome to the Tournament Of The Blessed Helm!" Proclaimed the Herald to both the Knights arrayed in the tilt-yard and the onlookers seated in the pavilions. "I am here as the King's Herald and shall watch the proceedings with great interest. It shall be I who bestows the prize upon the most worthy and skilled of the Knights who jousts in this Tournament. As you know, the prize is the magical relic, the Blessed Helm. Enough talk, on to the Parade!" With that, the Herald sat down on his seat in the King's pavilion.
The Knights were each dressed in their best armour, which was etched with finely crafted emblazons and other decorations. Polished swords with silver and gold hilts rested at their belts, and shields bearing their family Heraldry strapped across their backs. Standing next to each Knight was his personal Squire, who held a flag that displayed the respective Knight's Coat-Of-Arms in fine detail.
The cheering crowd seated in the pavilions was full of swooning damsels and excited onlookers. Each Knight chose a Lady he deemed to be the most beautiful and lowed his lance to her. Some Ladies blushed but did no more, whilst others offered gifts in the form of pieces of clothing or hair as a sign that they have chosen that Knight as their Champion. The Lady's Favours given were these:
- Marcus Duc d'Aspenforte was given a Veil by a modest but beautiful Damsel. (1 Re-roll)
- Duc Marshellieu de Parravon was gifted with a Kirtle. (3 Re-rolls)
- Sir Darrius d'Fin received a Wimple from a fair Lady. (2 Re-rolls)
- Sir Bran Belfort's chosen Lady gives him a Wimple. (2 Re-rolls)
- Sir Ryanent D. Cooke, "The Golden Warrior" gets a Girdle from an enchantingly beautiful Lady. (4 Re-rolls)
- Hercule Achille du Bois Guilbert is the clear favourite of the Ladies in the pavilions and is granted a Tress of hair from the lucky Damsel that he chose. (6 Re-rolls)
- Joc'de Tayl'ore is gifted with a Girdle from a swooning Damsel. (4 Re-rolls)
- Sir Jacques Vertig is given a Wimple by a Lady. (2 Re-rolls)
- Ludwig Von Middenheim, despite being from foreign lands, is given a Girdle. (4 Re-rolls)
Turning as one towards Gisoreux Castle the Knights began their slow procession. Ladies and peasants all then began to leave the pavilions to watch the Knight's march on to the mighty Castle. A joyous fanfare followed their glittering parade as they wound their way towards the battlements. Trumpets, entertainers and musicians mingled with the crowd as they followed their chosen Champions. In the hour or so it took to get to the Castle, much excitement and fun was had by all.
When the Knights did finally arrive at the Castle of Gisoreux, the gates swung open and the festivities began. Feasting and drinking was held inside the Castle for the Knights and their Squires and anyone else of noble birth. Outside, tents and merchant stalls were set up to keep the common-folk in good spirits and entertained.
The festivities lasted long into the night. Wise Knights did not drink or eat too much though, instead they went off to train in the Tilt-yard whilst everyone else got stony drunk.
After all, the Jousting Tournament would start very, very soon...
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