The lands of the Jotunheim are unknown to men. The information that has been used to create these maps of the Hordelands have been taken from scant eye-witness accounts and captured records from the Hordim themselves. Nothing about these colds lands can be verified, except that they are the home of the Jotun and only those who have taken leave of their senses would consider travelling them.

Chronicles Homepage | Atlas index | Print this map | Arborell in the year YS 947 | The Jotun of the West | The Jotunheim | The Lands of Perdition | The Western Ranges of Arborell | The Northern Frontier | The East Coast of Kalborea | The Kalborean Lakes | Central Kalborea | Cape Hadaras | The Coldarai | The Durn | Coast of Skulls | Song of the Dromannion | Edges of the New World | The Midreach | The Old World | Blood and Iron | North Coast of Kalborea YS 517 | The Lands of Perdition YS 517 | Windhammer Special Edition | Frontier of Kalborea (Colour)