Windhammer, Copyright Wayne Densley 2008 All Rights Reserved
With the storm bearing down it does not take long for you to decide that it will be prudent to have a look at the old silo. If luck is with you it should provide the cover you need. Turning Pallenten towards the low, sturdy-looking building you make your way along an overgrown path that leads into the farmyard. As you reach the silo you feel the sharp sting of an icy rain upon the back of your neck. The raindrops are so cold they send a shiver along your spine.
The silo does not look as promising up close as you might have hoped. From a distance it appeared relatively intact, but a closer inspection shows the far side of the structure to be partially collapsed. There is not enough shelter here to protect you effectively from the power of the storm. Luck is still with you though. A small hut sits squarely against the side of the silo, out of view until now, and probably once a toolshed or some type of tack room. It does however, have both a roof and four solid walls.
The building is in a ramshackle condition but it has obviously survived many years of bad weather. If Providence is with you it will survive this storm as well. In the distance you can hear the steady rumble of thunder and the murmur of the approaching rain. As you stand near the hut's doorway the ground beneath your feet begins to vibrate, the light of day vanishing into a gloom that quickly engulfs all four horizons. Grabbing Pallenten's reins you size up whether she will fit through the door. As you do so a number of tiles from the silo slide from its roof and fall into the ruins of its interior. The crash of the masonry is followed by an enormous clap of thunder that rattles your surroundings and vibrates again through the ground you stand upon.
All your options are now disappearing as quickly as the light of day above, and their is no time to delay. Pulling Pallenten into the open doorway you find a corner that is not exposed to any of the windows, and get ready for what is to come. With yourself and your horse safely ensconced within the shed you await the coming tempest.
This book, and its associated books and other documents in the Chronicles of Arborell series are the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. Windhammer is best viewed at 1024 x 768 resolution. Any questions regarding the Chronicles of Arborell can be answered by emailing the author at
Windhammer, Copyright Wayne Densley 2008 All Rights Reserved