Windhammer, Copyright Wayne Densley 2008 All Rights Reserved
After the exertions of your journey you bring Pallenten to a halt and let her drink from the stream. Dismounting you also take a few handfuls of the clear liquid and give your face a wash over. The water is as good as it looks, cool and fresh.
Standing next to Pallenten as she muzzles the surface of the water, you survey the banks of the watercourse and watch the undulating grasses beyond for any hint of danger. It does not seem necessary though. Apart from a gathering wind that blows from the north you can see no movement on the surrounding plain, nor any sign of recent activity. It appears that you are completely alone.
As Pallenten drinks you lay back against the soft bank and relax. The ride has been tiring, the way ahead uncertain, but a moment to rest will not hurt. Looking to the sky you see nothing except a vault of blue in the south and the first wisps of high cloud above signalling the onset of approaching weather. As you lay there watching the sky, a thin veil of smoke floats across your field of vision. Sitting up you follow the smoke as it moves south-east. The wind has veered more from the west now, and you follow a number of similar trails of smoke back to their source. It appears to be only a short distance further in that direction, somewhere on the other side of the stream, and no more than a couple of hundred metres away.
Do you want to go and have a quick look to determine the source of this smoke? It may be no more than an untended campfire, or the smouldering remains of a lightening strike, but an uncontrolled fire on these plains can be a killer, something any traveller should try and prevent if possible. If you wish to have a look turn to section 405. If you would rather continue southwards instead, turn to section 391.
This book, and its associated books and other documents in the Chronicles of Arborell series are the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. Windhammer is best viewed at 1024 x 768 resolution. Any questions regarding the Chronicles of Arborell can be answered by emailing the author at
Windhammer, Copyright Wayne Densley 2008 All Rights Reserved