Windhammer, Copyright Wayne Densley 2001 - 2007 All Rights Reserved
The left path looks in the best condition and appears to travel directly towards the west. At a half-run you move forward, the forest quickly closing in on both sides of the trail. Soon the rolling hills are left behind and the land begins to rise as a series of steep slopes that appear to ascend to the base of the mountain itself. With each rise the trail becomes more precipitous and then begins to wind in a zig-zag fashion into the higher hills. As you go ever higher you begin to feel the chill of the wind more keenly and find the ground beneath your feet becoming loose and unstable. In the end the way is so steep that you have to use the trees about you as supports to slowly climb upwards.
By midday the trail ends abruptly at an old quarry. It is little more than a gouge in the side of a cliff face, but must have once been a source of rock mined for use in the Stone Kingdoms further to the west. Now it is deserted and there are no other trails leaving the quarry apart for the one you have just travelled. Looking about you see that you have climbed high into the hills. The Devkraager Tor is still a short distance further to the west, the vast grassland plains laid out as a huge panorama behind you to the east. There is no other path to take, you have emerged at a dead end.
If you wish to enter the forest and try and find another track turn to section 316. If you believe it will be better to retrace your steps and go back to the intersection with the other trails turn to section 323.
This book, and its associated books and other documents in the Chronicles of Arborell series are the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. Windhammer is best viewed at 1024 x 768 resolution. Any questions regarding the Chronicles of Arborell can be answered by emailing the author at
Windhammer, Copyright Wayne Densley 2001 - 2007 All Rights Reserved