Windhammer, Copyright Wayne Densley 2008 All Rights Reserved
The alcove in the northern wall is set deep into the rock of the mountain. Cut as an annexe to the main hall it is a space about 12 metres square, smoothly finished and perfectly proportioned. On its three walls hang rich tapestries depicting the long history of the Stone Kings, and across the length of the alcove's floor lays a finely woven and well tended carpet of dyed wool and silver threading. As you move towards it you cannot help but wonder why it is that this small room should be so well cared for. Considering the damage the Hordim have done to the rest of the fortress the alcove remains in as pristine a condition as such ancient places can be. As you get closer however, the reason becomes apparent.
Only a few metres from the centre of the rear wall stands a waist-high pillar of pure white marble. Its ornate column is decorated with figures of carved Dragons and Dwarvendim Axemen facing each other, frozen in a moment of hesitation before battle. At the front of the alcove there are two grotesque statues, ugly stone representations of some type of grossly mutated dog. There is one to the left and one to the right of the entrance. They have been placed at the entrance to the alcove by the Horde and have been set as if they guard whatever lies within.
Moving carefully between the gruesome stone images you look closer at the column and see a small yellow gem sitting on a cloth of green silk. The cloth has the word "Dragonseye" embroided upon it. Ever mindful of the cunning the Hordim use in the construction of their traps you move forward towards the gem. You heart beats faster as you reach the marble pillar, and with great care wrap the Dragonseye in its green cloth, and take it from it's resting place. Listening intently for any sign that you have set off a trap you stand in the alcove sweating hard. Nothing happens and with an audible sigh of relief you move back out into the Great Hall taking your new treasure with you.
You have found the Dragonseye and should record it on your character sheet before continuing. Once this is done turn to section 53.
This book, and its associated books and other documents in the Chronicles of Arborell series are the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. Windhammer is best viewed at 1024 x 768 resolution. Any questions regarding the Chronicles of Arborell can be answered by emailing the author at
Windhammer, Copyright Wayne Densley 2008 All Rights Reserved