Section 189

In the darkness you whisper the talisman's name and watch as it comes to life. Within the confines of the passage the Sharyah'ahrel glows with a blue light, an irresistible energy building, shuddering for release. For a moment you wonder if you have done the right thing, the stone burning with a great heat before a lance of incandescent power bursts from the talisman, crashing into the fallen rock and earth. In a shower of grit and fractured stone the Sharyah does its work. When it is finished the passage is again a path forward, the walls scoured clean, the floor free of debris. It is time to move on.

Options: With the path now clear you can move forward. Turn to your Room Generation table and see where it shall take you.

The Torchlight Text Edition is the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. Any questions regarding this title, or any other book in the Chronicles of Arborell series can be answered by emailing the author at