
"From the cool Moss Plains to the icy reaches of the far north here can be found the domain of Kraal Delving. In the warm months of the year it is a rich grazing land, the wealth of the Jotuni Delving their vast Yunta herds and the meat and hides that are traded to the Oera'dim in the east. In the colder months it is a desolate landscape of snow and blinding storms where only the hardiest of Oera'dim make their homes. In this land death is a constant companion, and one that can fall upon the unwary without mercy."
A text version of this map can be found here.

This site, and associated books and other documents are the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. The Jotun of the West gamebook adventure series is a part of the Chronicles of Arborell. Any questions regarding the Chronicles can be answered by emailing the author at densleyw@shoal.net.au