Chronicles of Arborell, Copyright Wayne Densley 2008 All Rights Reserved

"The days grow darker now, and in the solitude of my exile I see that we have reached a cross-roads. The world is changing, and as it turns on its axis I can feel the movement in the stone. Loathing and hatred have risen again in the north, our Enemy scheming on our destruction, and as I write these words he sends forth warriors as messengers, to show the Nations of Men that they cannot be forgotten, that the Horde still has power."
"But there is more to these messengers of death than at first meets the eye, for they have a mission of their own, one separate from the cruel objectives of their Clavern masters. I see in the mists that they are in search of a key, something with which they can break the shackles of their own servitude. If we are to survive they must not have it."
"For long years I have searched the River of Time and it troubles me that I can see little except violence and death before us. Five centuries have passed as we struggle to make our way in this New World, and the malevolence of our Enemy has required that we hold our lands tightly within a vice forged of blood and iron. It has been our lot for these past centuries and all I have seen tells me that it will be so for the times yet to come. But there is hope. As I peer through these mists I can see that life for Men does not end, that all who walk these lands will have a place, and a purpose, worth the telling."
"Of only one thing can I be certain. A great darkness grows on our horizons, coveting the lands we hold and wishing us only annihilation. Already it moves in silence, spreading its malcontent and perpetrating its evil. If we are to hold that which we have gained we must resist its machinations, and we must prevail."
"And yet as I gaze into the River I see something else. It is but a movement in the mists yet it grows more defined as I await its approach. Someone is coming, and in his shadow my own destiny is no longer clear."
From the journals of the Maturi Hedj, Year of Settlement 517
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Chronicles of Arborell, Copyright Wayne Densley 2008 All Rights Reserved