What Is Warhammer?

Warhammer is the game of fantasy battles! The game box costs around $150 Australian (pretty costly, but worth it!). It comes with a unit of 16 plastic Orc Boyz (foot soldier Orcs), 16 plastic Orc Arrer Boyz (Orcish Archers), an Orc Boar Chariot and an Orc Big Boss (leader Orc) for the Orcs. The box also contains some humans, with 16 Handgunners, 16 Spearmen, a Cannon (with crew) and an Empire Captain.
Along with all those minatures, you get the rulebook, a heap of templates that are used in the game, a ruined building and last but not least, a fair few dice.
Of course all this doesn't answer your question completely, now you know how much it costs, but what is it? Well, Warhammer is a wargame which is played with minatures that form up into units, each minature has its own attributes and equipment. Units range from the humble Swordsmen and Spearman, to mighty Treemen, shambling Zombies and valourous Knights!
You won't find all these different troops in the same army though, as the world of Warhammer has many different armies including, but not limited to, Orcs & Goblins, Lizardmen, Empire (humans), Bretonnia (more humans), Skaven (rat-men) and Tomb Kings (skeletons and other dead stuff).
Look on my Bretonnian Links page and go visit the Games Workshop site, they made Warhammer and have infomation on all of the different armies. Once you have decided which army you like best (Bretonnia! Come on, you know you like 'em!) you should either buy the Army Book for that army or download the Ravening Hordes list from the Games Workshop site. The Army book details the army in every detail you need to play with your troops of choice. You get everything but the minatures and paints! The Ravening Hordes list is a lesser version that is availible for armies that are not lucky enough to have their Army Book out yet.
That's all I can really think to say so if you want more, you are going to have to buy the Warhammer box! Beware, though, as once you start, it is very hard to stop!
One last thing, the Warhammer hobby is not just playing the game, but collecting the minatures, painting them, making or buying the terrain for your gameboard and much, much more. I recommend the game to anyone who is willing to spend a fair amount of cash (it gets kinda expensive once you get hooked) and thinks spending time painting and collecting minatures to smite your foes would be fun.
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