Although I am writing this from my horseback just beyond the gatehouse of mighty Middenheim amongst my fellow Bretonnian knights, I feel the power of the Lady protecting us and ensuring us victory.
Just last night I dreamed a vision of blood and terror. As the mass of black and red warriors of the Fell Lands breached the gates behind which I stand, a wave of light swept the field, and began to envelop the forces of Darkness. A mighty figure wreathed in gold stood before an army of men, elves and dwarves. In a clash of light and darkness that lasted for hours on end, the forces of Evil were finally driven back. I saw myself and many other fine knights of Bretonnia riding forth along the massive causeway, the mutated and distorted forces falling beneath axe, spear and lance, crushed beneath the hammer and the anvil. Although I was but a spark among the darkness, our many lights shone the brighter as the darkness fled away, and the new sun dawned in a new life.
Thusly, I am ordering my estate bedecked in regal attire and the construction of the grandest jousting stadium in my home country of Carcassonne in the land of Bretonnia. If my rider makes it through the line during our foray, then I invite you to my grand tournament!
I encourage all Knights Errant to attend, as the prize of a Bretonnian knight will consist of a large parcel of land near my home keep of Chateau Malorie. For other knights of the realm of Bretonnia, the hand of my fair daughter Josilyn will be at stake. If you have no interest in my land or my daughter, the prize will also consist of an artifact of great power gifted to me by a fey enchanter I encountered outside of the ruined city of Breder.
I hope to see many of you return from your journeys and battles against Chaos and hope to see you at my Tournament of the New Dawn!"
Baron Theduran Joliet du Carcassonne
Lord of the Grail from the Army of the Lady
Round One
Round Two
Round Three
Round Four
Round Five
Tableaux de Bataille
Quarter Finals
Prize Ceremony
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