Below is listed all 20 Knights who entered the Tournament of Thierulf's Gauntlet. Their background, virtues and all other information is included.

Name: Baron Theduran Joliet
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Grail Vow and Virtue of the Impetuous Knight
Description: Baron Theduran Joliet is a Grail Knight of Bretonnia, and one of the greatest warriors in all the lands of men. His steed is swift, and Theduran Joliet fears neither beast, daemon nor mortal, and brings justice to any who have wronged fair Bretonnia or its people.

Name: Guilles de Breton
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Virtue of Heroism.
Description: Guilles has traveled far from where he lives in
solitude on the Island of Ulthuan. He has travelled to
fight for the ladies favour and the honour of carring
the Gauntlet. Secretly however he seeks to imprese the
fair damsel Esmerelda.

Name:Sir Jaison de Chateau Guest
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Virtue of Discipline
Description: Sir Jaison de Chateau Guest, ruler of the Estate of Chateau Guest and victor of many battlefields. Sir Jaison is a just and intelligent ruler, but is not afraid to meet his foes in combat, should the need arise.

Name: Amarduril
Type: High Elf Knight.
Virtues: None.
Description: Amarduril is a High Elf from far-distant Ulthuan. He rides under a Caledorian banner, and is a renown warrior for the forces of Light. He shall be a tough opponent to any whom he meets, either on the battlefield or in the tilt-yard.

Name: Duc Marshellieu de Parravon.
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Knight's Virtue and Virtue Of Noble Disdain.
Description: Marshellieu disdains all things evil and cowardly, and hunts them down where-ever they may be. He has led many forces against Orcs, Chaos and other foes and victory after victory follows him. Duc Marshellieu de Parravon hopes that this Tournament will be another victory for both himself and Bretonnia.

Name: Gilles de Rochefort
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Grail Vow and Jousting Virtue.
Description: Eldest son of the noble Marquiss Etien de Rochefort, Gilles has already supped from the Grail, and completed his Grail Quest. A virtueous and noble Knight, Gilles de Rochefort is already extremely skilled, and will be a tough opponent to any he faces.

Name: Sir Galendir Wettel
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Knight's Virtue and Virtue of Empathy
Description: He is the greatest knight from the lands of the valiant hero Sir Morgan, who
is a lesser noble who has been gifted much land in Couronne for his great

Name: Sir Etienne d'Arden
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Virtue of the Impetuous Knight.
Description: Sir Etienne d'Arden is a courageous Knight who has won many battles for the forces of Light. He fears no foe, and has never lost the eagerness to put an end to evil that usually only exists in Knights Errant. Sir Etienne is a heroic warrior of Light and a fine example of chivalry.

Name: Baron Gaston le Byron
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Grail Knight and Virtue of Knightly Temper.
Description: Baron Gaston is Lord over the Estate of Chateau Neville. A great warrior and skilled general, he has led many armies to victory over numerous foes.

Name: Armand Uberstadt Of Talabheim.
Type: Empire Knight.
Virtues: None, None.
Description: Armand Uberstadt is a Knight from Talabheim and a known hunter of Undead and Chaos Mutants. He detests Mutants, Daemons and Undead because they offend the order of things and destroy the civilizations of Men. Armand Uberstadt has come to win the Gauntlet in the hopes that it will further his ends of ridding the land of unholy and gruesome things.

Name: Raenius Sabertooth
Type: Wood Elf Knight.
Virtues: None.
Description: Raenius Sabertooth comes to the Tournament of Thierulf's Gauntlet to test his mettle against some of the greatest Knights the world has to offer, both human and elven. He is a skilled opponent, and will not be easily defeated by any.

Name: Ascoyne Hercule Achille du Bois Guilbert, Marquis d’Ascoyne
Type: Bretonnian Knight
Virtues: Knight's Virtue, Virtue of Devotion.
Description: Ascoyne Hercule Achille du Bois Guilbert is nearing 3 score years and who has been married for more than 40 years to the same woman, Lady Dianne of Parravon. He, for some reason, is an absolute favourite with the Ladies, perhaps it is his charm, or his roguish ways or the Cuirass of Fortune or his Virtue of Devotion. For whatever reason the females in the crowd will be cheering on this brave Knight.

Name: Lord Nike
Type: Bretonnian Knight
Virtues: Virtue of Knightly Temper.
Description: Overlord of the High Chapel of our Lady. Lord of Easternstream, Kremun and Lô d’Anglè. Lord Nike’s records started more than 35 winters ago when he was born in a small riverside town of Lô d’Angle on the river Grismerie. After a happy childhood, his world suddenly collapsed when he was abducted by the nomadic Orkish Clan of Grnaff The Unspeakable. Click Here to see more.

Name: Sir Morrmond
Type: Bretonnian Knight
Virtues: Grail Vow, Virtue of the Ideal.
Description: "A well travelled Knight rides into the stadium just before the jousting begins on the first day of the tournament, his coat of arms showing him as a grail knight, depicting the Grail on top of a scythe, with a black background and calls to Sir Gindle, may my name be put upon this jousts roll good Sir Knight?"

Name: Ordenmarschall Meinard Lothair of the Knights of the Sullen Crescent,
Warden of the Blackfire Pass, Most noble of the Knights of Averland,
Defender of The Empire.
Type: Empire Knight
Virtues: None.
Description: A Knight of the Sullen Crescent,
Warden of the Blackfire Pass, Most noble of the Knights of Averland,
Defender of The Empire. These are the titles held by this grand warrior of the Empire, and he has earned them well. The equal to any Knight in the lands, Ordenmarshcall Meinard Lothair is indeed a fearsome warrior of Light.

Name: Marcus Duc d'Aspenforte.
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Knight's Virtue and the Virtue Of Knightly Temper.
Description: Marcus Duc d'Aspenforte always keeps a cool head during Jousts and it is this that allows him to stay on his horse for longer after being struck. Marcus Duc d'Aspenforte looks like a tough opponent for whomever shall face him.

Name: Sir Gabriel Chauncy
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Virtue Of Knightly Temper.
Description: Renowned for his guile and tenacity on the field of battle, Sir Gabriel Chauncy has distinguished himself repeatedly amongst the ranks of Bretonnia's armoured knights. As the first son of a first generation noble, the Baron Chauncy, he carries the heavy responsibility of continuing his father's legacy and hence places a lot of pressure on himself to achieve. Gabriel continually doubts whether he will meet people's expectations or the achievements attained by his father. And so, he enters the tournament in the hope that he may find another opportunity to distinguish himself.

Name: Sir Winston Ursus
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Virtue Of The Impetuous Knight
Description: Sir Winston Ursus is a knight of
Bretonnia, a vassal of Lord Greyholt, who hopes to
represent the Greyhost of Southern Carcassonne in the
Tournament of Thierulf's Gauntlet.

Name: Sir Phillipe of the West
Type: Bretonnian Knight.
Virtues: Virtue Of Stoicism
Description: The Earl of a small realm in the west of Bretonnia. Earl Phillipe hopes to win the Gauntlet, and with the Blessing it will bring increase his holdings and forces.

Name: Thranduil
Type: Wood Elf Knight.
Virtues: None.
Description: Thranduil is a Wood Elf who is the victor of many, many battles and has long protected the woods from harm.