Bretonnian Heraldry
Bretonnian Knights each have their own unique heraldry. From the Knights Errant to Dukes, every knight has his own personal coat of arms.
Typically, Knights coats of arms are placed on the shield and consist of either two colours in a pattern, a charge (metalic picture of an animal or object) on a coloured background or a combination of the two (i.e a blue left side of the shield and a red right side, with a gold griffon on the front).
The background colours that are usally used are Green, Blue, Purple, Red and Black, but some other colours are sometimes used as well. The sky's the limit in the way you can mix and match these colours to make the background colour of the heraldy.
Charges are placed over the background colour in dramatic poses of combat (if it's an animal), they are always either Gold or Silver coloured but may have coloured claws, talons and tongues. Animals commonly used are Stags, Lions, Boars, Eagles, Horses, Griffions, Cockatrices, Dogs, Harpies, Dolphins, Basilisks, Dragons, Roosters, Swans & even Panthers, but other animals can be used. Items commonly used are Weapons, Castles, Towers, Boats, Shield Mottifs (i.e a picture of a shield on the shield) and other warlike objects.
You don't have to have a charge, some knights just have a pattern made from the background colours as their heraldry.
It is not even needed for all of your Knights to have their own heraldry, some people are happy to paint all of their Knights the same way. It doesn't look as good but is certainly quicker.
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