Email Me!

I need playtesters! If you find any problems with my skirmish scenarios, campaigns or with the Peasant unit, please don't hesitate to tell me about it! It would help me greatly. I'd also like to hear what you think of my site!
I am also looking to expand my site and I know I can't do it all by myself. If anybody has Warhammer Fan Fiction, a Battle Report or a special skirmish scenario that features Bretonnia or Bretonnians that you'd like to have on the net, please send it to me. I'll stick it on my site with your name next to it!!! I'll even take non-Bretonnian stuff if I like it lots. If you are sending a Battle Report, please send in a begining description of why they are fighting (the armies, not the players) and an aftermath description too. See my battle reports on the Battle Reports page to see what I mean by a begining description and an aftermath.
Oh yeah, don't bother emailing me about modelling, painting or converting questions as I'm no expert, you'd probably be better served emailing Games Workshop or something like that.
Also, email me if you have any questions or whatever that you would like to ask me! If I have an answer I'll email you back! Use this link to email me:
Email Sir Gindle (Me) Using This Link!
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