Section 200

The Orncryst

With a screaming wail the Elemental falls back against the hard stone of the chamber and dissolves away, its final vapours a swirling mist of steam that dissipates quickly into the air. The Elemental is dead. In the reflected light of the River of Time you look at the Orncryst, and thank Fate that it had an effect upon the creature. Against the shimmering backdrop of the chamber you take a moment to recover your strength, and in that strange light you cannot help but marvel at the talisman you have found.

Fresh from the battle it is unmarked, its smooth white haft glistening with gold lettering and an intricate tracery of symbols and devices. Upon its iron blade you can make out a carved scene of Dragons in pitched combat with Amakek the First Hresh, and extending from the upper edge of the blade the razor-sharp curve of a Dragon's talon. In the glimmering light it shines like a blue ember, a myriad of gems reflecting the River of Time in a mesmerising dance. It is indeed the great prize you have been searching for, and by right of combat it is now yours.

But you have not come out of the melee unharmed. In the silence you breathe heavily, trying to recover your composure after the exertion of the fight. The pain that infests your chest and shoulder tells you that damage has been done and it is time to go. Quickly you collect your pack, and fasten the Orncryst to a set of ties at your belt. With your prize secure you turn for the exit, and only then do you realise that you are not alone. In the darkness before you stands a man, old and frail, but possessed of a shining azure orb that hangs suspended just above his open hand.

"You have been a long time coming Brother." the man whispers into the damp air.

You move forward and try to get a better look at who it might be. You are not sure but the old one seems almost transparent.

"Who are you, and what is your purpose here?" you ask loudly.

The apparition smiles and waves away the orb. "Who I am is irrelevant Brother of the Deep Guild. I am here however, to provide you with a small measure of guidance. Are you prepared to accept it?"

Too many times you have been the victim of smooth talk and false words, but there is something compelling in the man's voice, something almost irresistible. You cannot help but listen.

"Speak quickly old man. I am in a hurry and have wounds that require tending."

The man moves closer, and as he does so you begin to see the features of a Being as old as the mountains themselves.

"I know your plans for the Orncryst Brother. You have a buyer in Castaal that you think will provide you with great riches, but beware, for he has treachery in mind and no money to give you. It is his goal to remove the Dragonclaw from your possession at the point of a blooded dagger."

His words stun you. It is indeed true that your buyer lives in Castaal but you had told no-one. It was a secret known only to yourself.

"How can you know this?" you shout angrily.

The old man moves his hand before himself and then points to the flowing River of Time. Pictured in a cascade of reflected light upon the far wall you see yourself lying dead in an alleyway, your lifeless body prostrate before the entrance to a Tanner's shop. You recognise it as the agreed meeting point for your hand-over of the Orncryst, and see in the flowing image of those rushing waters the truth in the old one's words.

"What must I do to gain the reward that should be justly mine? I have laboured long and hard to find this talisman, and do not know of another buyer willing to acquire it."

The old man smiles and again moves his hand before him. You turn and see the River of Time once again, but now there flows the images of the great citadels of the Dwarvendim Stone Kingdoms. One great fortress stands above all others, and it is shrouded in mist and dark mountains.

"It is there that you will find your just reward Brother. Take the Orncryst to Menion'Barac and present it to the StoneKing himself. But mark these words carefully. Ask nothing for it. Make no claim for payment. Simply present it to the King as a token of goodwill, and the reward you shall receive will exceed any you might have gained from your treacherous friend in Castaal."

"But why the Stone Kingdoms? What is their interest in the Orncryst?" you ask.

For a moment the Being hesitates, as if weighing the need to tell you anything further. When he responds he answers carefully.

"For the Dwarvendim the Orncryst is a key, a marker to a greater prize that they have been seeking for many generations. Take it to them and tell them where you found it." For a further moment the old man pauses and then continues. "And if you remember, mention also what it was resting on. They will be interested in that as well."

From the corner of your eye you look for the pillar. You find it toppled and unobtrusive in the shadows, and wonder on why it might be of interest to the Dwarvendim.

As these idle thoughts are lost to the darkness you turn and find the man gone, his name and his nature a mystery that you will not be able to answer. For a short time you ponder the apparition's words. You wonder at the appearance of the Being, but cannot dispute the reality of what he has shown you. Quietly you prepare yourself and make for the entrance, your only certainty that it is a long walk to Menion'Barac.


The Torchlight Text Edition is the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. Any questions regarding this title, or any other book in the Chronicles of Arborell series can be answered by emailing the author at