Metal and Dust

Despite the intimidating nature of this hall you decide to go forward, your gut feeling that the object of your quest lies somewhere ahead. Quickly you take off your pack and attach one of its shoulder straps to your belt. With your possessions secure you lay flat on your stomach and take a deep breath. To pass beyond the Pillars of Dissolution you will have to crawl.

With blades arcing over your head you move carefully out into the Hall. It does not take long to find that the way ahead is far more difficult than you could have imagined. A thick layer of grit covers the floor, and as you make headway into the vast chamber it only gets deeper. Soon you cannot move at all. Halted by the mounds of debris you find yourself at an impasse. You cannot go forward, but to go back will mean that this part of the temple is out of your reach.

Options: If you have a Force stone, and wish to use it to clear the way ahead go to section 158. If you do not have such a talisman you have no choice but to crawl back to the entrance and take another path. Turn to your map to find another exit, and a new way forward. Before you continue however, deduct one endurance point from your endurance level for the fatigue caused by such an arduous and unsuccessful attempt.

The Torchlight Text Edition is the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. Any questions regarding this title, or any other book in the Chronicles of Arborell series can be answered by emailing the author at densleyw@shoal.net.au