Section 183
Steaming Vents and uneven ground
For a moment you consider the maelstrom of gushing steam, and know that it will be difficult to traverse unwounded. As the vapours fill the path ahead you reach into your pack, and pull out the talisman that you hope will see you through this melee of heat and mist.
Options: Speak the name of your talisman and test your intuition attribute. If you are successful the stone will keep the vapours at bay as you make your way to your chosen exit. If you are not successful the stone flickers to life, but then fades, unable to do your bidding. If this is the case you are left standing unprotected with the vents still before you. If you wish to try and cross do so. Section 107 will tell you what you must do. You may however, decide to turn about and find another way, and if this is your choice do so quickly.
Please note that if you are required to make an encounter roll in this area it must be disregarded if you successfully use a Sharyah. Once activated no creature, alive or dead, can reach you and you may pass by unmolested. If it is your fate to pass beyond this steaming ground turn to your Room Generation tables to see what challenges now lay before you.
The Torchlight Text Edition is the intellectual property of the author, Wayne F Densley, and all rights are reserved by him. Any questions regarding this title, or any other book in the Chronicles of Arborell series can be answered by emailing the author at densleyw@shoal.net.au