Errantry Quest
The Knights Errant could finally see the Orcish camp just ahead, they were hidden for now
but would soon bring justice to the Greenskin brutes. The Orcish Big boss Keglum Da Bruza
had caused much strife to Bretonnians, and now it was time to get ride of him for good. The
leader of the group called the order to surround the camp, and then to attack on his signal.
When the Knights were in position, the leader gave the signal and the squadron fell upon the
Orcish encampment. They had sworn to kill Keglum, he would not escape them.
Models Needed:
Attacking Knights:
- 10 Knights Errant (Armed with lances, shields, heavy armour and barded warhorses).
- 1 Knight Errant Champion armed the same as the others.
- 15 Common Orcs with light armour, shields and choppas.
- 5 Common Orcs with light armour and bows.
- 5 Common Orcs with light armour and two hand weapons.
- 1 Common Orc Big boss (No magical equipment, may take any normal equipment.
The Battlefield:
The board should be 36" x 36" or maybe slightly larger. The centre of the board must have
1d6+2 small Orcish shacks, huts and tents on it, with a larger tent in the middle that
represents the Big boss’s tent. All of the tents must be placed within 5" (if 5 or less tents) or
10" (if more) of the centre of the board.
At least one table edge must be covered with Impossible terrain. Allowing no Orc to escape
off it and no Knight to come onto the board from it.
The Knight’s objective is to slay the Big boss and as much of his group as possible. The
Knights win if the Big boss plus at least 15 Orcs are all slain.
The Orc’s objective is to escape off one of the three availible table edges, the Orcs win if the
Big boss and at least 10 Orcs escape off the board.
If no one can win (because the Big boss escaped but the Orc player could not get enough
Orcs off the table with the Big boss) than the game is a draw.
The Orcs are deployed within 2" of any tent in the camp, the Big Boss must be placed
directly in front of the door or opening into his tent/hut/shack.
4 Knights Errant and the Knights Errant Champion are placed on the first turn on any board
edge the player would like (exept the Impossible one). The rest will show up later (read
below) and are put into a "stockpile" for later use (In other words, keep them at hand).
Who Goes First?
The Knights have the element of surprise, so they go first.
Special Rules:
Ambush: On the 2nd turn and onwards, more Knights Errant will show up if there is any left
in the stockpile of Knights as they charge in from their positions in the surrounding
countryside. Knights may move normally and charge on the turn they show up.
Roll a d3 to see how many Knights Errant show up this turn.
Now roll a d3 to see where the new Knights Errant come onto the board from:
1- The new Knights Errant come from the board edge that the first Knights were deployed
2- The new Knights Errant come from the board edge that is directly to the right of the place
where the first Knights were deployed. If the board edge selected is the Impossible one, then
the player may pick where the Knight(s) come on from.
3- The new Knights Errant come from the board edge that is directly to the left of the place
where the first Knights were deployed. If the board edge selected is the Impossible one, then
the player may pick where the Knight(s) come on from.
Run fer dem ‘ills!: The Orcs are trying to escape because they have been panicked by this
sudden attack by the Knights, an Orcish model may leave any of the three passible table
edges, he then counts as having escaped.
If an Orc who has lost his nerve flees off the table due to panic or any other cause of
involuntarily running are counted as slain, they either keep running the way they are going
and never come back or are caught later and slain.
The Sons Of Bretonnia: If a Knight Errant or Knight Errant Champion is taken Out Of
Action, remove the model as normal but do not put it away, instead place it with the pool of
Knights Errant that are waiting to arrive on the board, the model is now treated exactly as if
it was one of the Knights yet to show up on the table. This rule shows that the Orcs are
outmatched by the large group of Knights and must run, or die!
No Escape!: No Rout tests are taken, the Orcs are already fleeing and the Knights would not
flee from fleeing Orcs!
Using Alternate Forces:
You could also use Empire, High Elf, Dark Elf or any powerful cavalry as the attackers and
anyone can run away exept probably Undead, because they don’t get scared!
Part Of A Larger Battle:
This makes a great lead-up to an Orcs Vs Bretonnia battle!
If the Knights win, their quest is complete and they gain knighthood, you may add a unit of 5
(in 1-1000 point battles) or 10 (1001+ points battle) Knights Of The Realm with Standard
Bearer, Musician and Champion as these Knights bolster your forces.
If the Orcs win then the Orcish player may add the Big Boss (armed exactly the way he was in the skirmish) to his army plus a unit of
Common Orcs with hand weapons, light armour and shields who number equal to the
number of Orcs who escaped (not including the Big Boss) during the previous skirmish.
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